Floor Insulation

Somewhat more complicated lay out the walls of stone or brick, but the complexity of their installation is justified durability and fire safety of these materials. Large heat loss, thus, can be avoided by using the additional steam and heat insulation. For more information see this site: Keith Yamashita. And make the wood paneling inside the bath, you can bring it to the usual log. Frame wall construction method is also applicable in the construction of a bath. Being built on the foundation frame, sheathed The interior and exterior cladding and the void between the tile and filled with bulk insulation.

You can just build a frame walls and roofs, not forgetting the steam and heat insulation. Frame method is used in the manufacture of finished wall panels. Each wall completely with waterproofing and insulation are made separately, and then establish the foundation. Also, you may need to Samara drywall at low prices, as it is practical material, and easy to use. In the construction of the roof the roof is necessary to consider that it should not only protect against wind and rain, but also retain heat in the room as long as possible. You can build a roof with an attic or without a shed or gable, the main thing that it has fulfilled its main features: durability and insulation.

Of course, the attic roof and retain heat better in the year-round use of their sauna construction preferred. For garden bath is quite suitable single-pitch roof with no attic room with a ceiling. Moreover, such a roof is less expensive on board, boards and roofing. Shed roof can be further used for drying fruits and sunbathing. The ceiling in the bath is better made from heat-resistant and fireproof materials, such as asbestos tiles. If you make a wooden ceiling, the tree should be with the lowest tar, as resin softens at high temperatures and drips. On top of the ceiling falls vapor barrier material, and have him lagging. As a heater, you can use backfill small volume weight: expanded clay, peat, sawdust, boiler slag, woodchips. Doors and windows Doors and windows in the bath for better heat conservation make small sizes. Windows should be double-glazed front door to insulate oakum or foam and close the plywood, leatherette or boards. To the end of the door is attached cushion made of felt. Floors Floors in the steam room and washing should be done with concrete and put them on wooden lattice. When you fill a floor necessary to ensure drainage of water used. If the soil readily absorbs water, it is sufficient only to drain the pit, dug under the premise washer. If the soil is dense, then needed to bring the drainage pipe and make the diversion of water in convenient location.