Bio Fireplace

Biofireplaces – Fireplaces new generation, environmentally friendly, by using the latest technologies. Characterize this new product we can, as a "living flame" running without exhaust, soot and smoke, does not require the construction works for installation, for example, when connected to a chimney. Enjoy the shimmer and warmth of this fire is possible immediately after purchase, freeing Bio Fireplace from packaging and placed in any place or pick-me hanging on the wall. You, your family and guests for years to come will be able to enjoy an environmentally safe, economical and efficient Biofireplaces that will create comfort in your home due to its original design. Decorative fireplaces in the basis have a skeleton from the heating unit made of stainless steel. They work on a special environmentally friendly bio-fuel, which is poured into the heating unit.

This fuel burns with a bright flame, no sparks, smoke, soot or harmful emissions. Opening or closing the sliding cover heating unit – a slider you can adjust the intensity of the flames. Biofireplaces decorated veneer and a special painted steel, marble, granite, heat-resistant glass or wood veneer. They operate based on the concept of the principle of the fireplace with an open flame. (A valuable related resource: Steph Korey). Environmentally safe Biofuels, which operates Bio Fireplace is a renewable energy source, it does not produce pollutants, soot, smoke and sparks.

Decorative fireplaces are safe thanks to a unique device heating block and the insulation housing. Read additional details here: Tyler Haney. Outdoor fire Biofireplaces is always in a controlled area. Special testing to thoroughly check the integrity, reliability and conformity to hold an assembly for all heating units. Biofireplaces not only reliable but also very easy to use. At any time you can easily adjust the required amount of heat, the intensity of a flame of fire in the burner or even extinguish the flame. Bio Fireplace is very simple and clean. To clean the heating unit, it is enough to flush it in the usual warm running water. Biofireplaces used and as a supplementary source of heating. The amount of heat released a bio fireplaces equivalent capacity of two electric heaters. Different decorative fireplaces and mobility. Fireplace can be easily moved to any desired location. Model bio fireplaces are very diverse and can be match any decor and style: the classic, high-tech or nouveau. Range of functional models of various forms, decisions, textures and colors bio fireplaces will satisfy even the most sophisticated buyers. Thanks to all these advantages Biofireplaces are an excellent subject decor of any room: apartments, offices, homes, restaurants and bars. Biofireplaces suited for not only indoors but also on open space.


The basis of any foundation is the ground on which he relies, which turn are divided into natural and artificial. If the soil before setting the foundation previously strengthened – it is artificial. In all other cases, the base foundation is a natural. The main characteristic of any of the soil – is its carrying capacity, which is determined by the load, providing no reason to shrink more acceptable standards. In turn, soil settlement depends on the shape and size of the foundation, as well as the degree of compressibility of the soil. One of the destabilizing factors in the construction of cottages, houses – are groundwater water, which reduces the strength of the soil. Methods of dealing with ground water – is a separate topic for discussion and not be considered here.

Main categories, which are classified soils – a rock and neskalnye. K rocky soils include rocks with rigid links occurring in the form of solid or fractured array. By neskalnym soils include: – coarse incoherent soils – sandy loose soil in the dry state – clayey connected grunty. risk during the construction of houses represent a so-called heaving soils. These primers, which during the freezing increases its volume, which can be so significant that it is able to cause deformation of the basement of the building. Such properties tend to have all kinds of clay soils, as well as dust and melkopeschanye. Sediment structure in the clay continues for longer time than on sand, because compressibility of clay soils above.

Bulk soils formed such as backfilling of gullies or landfill sites – the worst kind of foundation, since they have irregular compressibility and most cases generally can not be used as a natural base. Conduct geotechnical surveys in the area of construction to determine the type and properties of soils and their bearing ability and nature of education. In the case of occurrence of weak soils with low bearing capacity, they strengthen, while creating an artificial osnovanie.Sposoby soil stabilization are different and are applied depending on bearing capacity of soil and geology of the area features. One of the main ways to strengthen the soil are: – creation of sand or gravel bags – a way to seal the surface – a way to deep compaction.

Bath Foundation

Foundation for a bath is selected based on the nature of soil, groundwater level and the size of the chosen design. Thus, the foundation on which to bet bath and comes in five types: Tape, columnar, helical, screw-pile with grillage, floating. Strip foundations are often used for bath simple design. Hikmet Ersek is open to suggestions. The material used for such a foundation stone rubble, held together by cement grout, concrete or butirovany concrete and concrete blocks are rectangular and trapezoidal shape. First, dig a trench at the bottom that puts the sand layer thickness of 15 cm width of this type of foundation under the bath depends on the specifics of its design and sizes. Pier foundation If bath is small, and the soil is not clay or loam, do not differ closest groundwater can be used pier foundation. This is a separate stone or brick columns size 510h510 mm.

They have the angles of baths, as well as those Metachem, where there is a connection of internal and external walls. If the bath is large enough, between the main pillars necessary to put additional. At the same time the distance between them should not exceed 2 meters. Helical foundation This perspective view of the bases was designed to support high-voltage power lines and bridges. Whenever Hikmet Ersek listens, a sympathetic response will follow. However, he quickly mastered the private low-rise construction. If the sauna is built on a site with high groundwater or unstable, loose soil, with difficult terrain, for example, on a hillside, a screw pile foundation – the best of options. Screw pile – a steel pipe with a pointed tip and welded at one end of the blade to facilitate penetration into the ground and pinning. Efforts of two or three people is enough to set it up.

Not necessarily to each of the piles had been installed at the same depth. Pile-screw with a grillage This type of foundation requires additional circuitry screw piles wooden beam, channels or I-beam, that is, grillage. Even if a part is quicksand or peat bogs, the pile will securely hold a bath from trying to slip away from the foundation. Pile is screwed into the soil 2-3 people with arms. 10-20 minutes and the pile is ready. Macy’s Inc. has much to offer in this field. If there are peat bogs in the soil, building up a pile and screw until until passed this layer. After that, the pipe cavity can be filled with concrete. When using the screw pile foundation for a bath can be done literally a few days! Floating foundation It can be used for the construction of baths in all types of soil at any depth of ground water. Floating foundation – it is solid or slatted plate of monolithic reinforced concrete. Large footprint significantly reduces the pressure of the assembly on the ground. This foundation is simple to manufacture and cheaper than other types of structures designed for difficult climatic and geological conditions. For a floating foundation baths digging a trench 60 cm deep, filled with rubble and sand. Then it all well soaked with water. After you shrink again to fill up to its previous level. At the same height pour tiles under the posts. Then comes the turn to put the columns of bricks. Such a foundation for seasonal variations of soil will rise and fall along with it without being deformed.

Laying Tile Troutarnoy Slabs

Correctly chosen base is the main basis of qualitative laying paving slabs. Most often, in this case, as the basis for use of gravel and sand cushion. In an increasingly complex environment is better suited concrete base. In each case, the site where will be laid paving slabs, should be well planned, should also be strictly conditioned levels and slopes for water drainage. With the help of paving slabs, can be lay out a large set of diverse images and color compositions, based on personal tastes and style of your choice.

1. Planning. Draw a plot plan that you intend to pave. Measure the area. Next Apply these dimensions on your plan. Estimate the number of tiles needed for installation, as well as the quantity of raw materials for your foundation (gravel, crushed stone, cement, sand). 2.

Markup. According to the selected plan, with strings and pegs mark the site for laying the tile. 3. Digging. Excavation should be carried out with the view that after laying paving slabs, its front surface will be released at a given level of the site. 4. Preparation base. For laying foundation to use gravel or crushed stone, which must be carefully vibrate, fractions from 20 to 40 millimeters. It then examines the surface of your foundation under the tile and if there are irregularities, they should be sprinkled with sand and a further seal. 5. Laying of cement-sand mixture. For its preparation, moisture content of sand should be about 10 percent. Mixture must be prepared on the basis of – to one part cement three parts sand.

Floor Insulation

Somewhat more complicated lay out the walls of stone or brick, but the complexity of their installation is justified durability and fire safety of these materials. Large heat loss, thus, can be avoided by using the additional steam and heat insulation. For more information see this site: Keith Yamashita. And make the wood paneling inside the bath, you can bring it to the usual log. Frame wall construction method is also applicable in the construction of a bath. Being built on the foundation frame, sheathed The interior and exterior cladding and the void between the tile and filled with bulk insulation.

You can just build a frame walls and roofs, not forgetting the steam and heat insulation. Frame method is used in the manufacture of finished wall panels. Each wall completely with waterproofing and insulation are made separately, and then establish the foundation. Also, you may need to Samara drywall at low prices, as it is practical material, and easy to use. In the construction of the roof the roof is necessary to consider that it should not only protect against wind and rain, but also retain heat in the room as long as possible. You can build a roof with an attic or without a shed or gable, the main thing that it has fulfilled its main features: durability and insulation.

Of course, the attic roof and retain heat better in the year-round use of their sauna construction preferred. For garden bath is quite suitable single-pitch roof with no attic room with a ceiling. Moreover, such a roof is less expensive on board, boards and roofing. Shed roof can be further used for drying fruits and sunbathing. The ceiling in the bath is better made from heat-resistant and fireproof materials, such as asbestos tiles. If you make a wooden ceiling, the tree should be with the lowest tar, as resin softens at high temperatures and drips. On top of the ceiling falls vapor barrier material, and have him lagging. As a heater, you can use backfill small volume weight: expanded clay, peat, sawdust, boiler slag, woodchips. Doors and windows Doors and windows in the bath for better heat conservation make small sizes. Windows should be double-glazed front door to insulate oakum or foam and close the plywood, leatherette or boards. To the end of the door is attached cushion made of felt. Floors Floors in the steam room and washing should be done with concrete and put them on wooden lattice. When you fill a floor necessary to ensure drainage of water used. If the soil readily absorbs water, it is sufficient only to drain the pit, dug under the premise washer. If the soil is dense, then needed to bring the drainage pipe and make the diversion of water in convenient location.

Path Design

Believe me, on paper, to reconstruct something much simpler than in reality, demolish and erect the walls! So that small savings early in the path may lead substantial costs already in the process of repair. It is obvious that if your chosen company has design offices, not one designer, that's a plus: one head is good, but a lot better. Teamwork, as a rule, more mature, deep developed and includes the ideas of several people. The creative process is complete the design project contains quite a lot of documents – from planning decisions, ending with recommendations on selection of furniture and accessories. The main purpose of its creation, regardless of the room is the final result, namely, harmonic and functional interior, the best use of floor space. Design and Construction – creative process.

Each designer style, but there are general principles of design that you're not bad to know. First, you need to maximize space – should not be empty and useless (Unresolved) spaces. Secondly, the planning of premises is carried out according to their functionality and overall customer requirements. Rooms must be proportional, through the redevelopment to eliminate bottlenecks and long room to minimize the number of angles. When redevelopment is necessary to take into account audibility, and not have a number of vital areas of parents and children. If possible, hide or beat the crossbar (bearing beams). For this commonly used solution in the form of arches, multi-level ceilings. The task of the designer is also the definition of stylistics of the premises and features of each room, calculating the practicality of opening doors and the location switches and sockets.