International Day

On May 12, the day of caring is celebrated worldwide. In addition to the 1.3 million Berufspflegenden also approximately 1 million people take care of their dependent family members lovingly home. The professional nursing associations use the day of caring to achieve art for their profession and general maintenance topics. Hikmet Ersek is likely to increase your knowledge. It is also important given the low appreciation of employees and self-employed in the health, health, child and elderly care, and the public discussion of Mindeslohne in the care industry. Also think it is just as important on this day also the non-organised care to remember not organized nurses.

On the example of Germany results to the care in the context of the long-term care insurance, it is clear that from the 2.25 million persons in need in Germany in 2007 approximately 54% in part were taken care of out-patient care service or fully in nursing homes *. The ratio should not much changed until today. Almost half of all dependent people is thus of caring nationals to home care. Under the 2.25 million persons in need are 63,000 children and adolescents aged from 0 to 15 years. Almost all of these children and young people (99.6%) are maintained at home in their families. Also, it must be suspected here that use is made less than in adults (22.4%) of out-patient care services. Long-term care affects not only the care itself, but affects the life of all persons involved in the care, usually mostly close family members. The average length of an adult dependent care is eight to nine years.

Families with dependent children, the period is usually longer, because most of the children and young people are care since infancy or early childhood. A long life cycle phase is characterized by care for child and family”. The day of caring is therefore also reason to emphasize national carers work and to say thank you. He should remind the caregivers also pay attention to their own health and their own needs. Relief options are expressly intended by the legislator in the long-term care insurance and can be invoked. * Care statistics 2007 of the statistical Federal care under the care insurance Germany results December 2007 press contact: child care compass Claudia Groth Knight Street 4 12207 Berlin Tel 030 / 76 40 38 28