Internet Family

It is noticed that the difficulty to express itself in public can have come from the school, therefore is in the school that the pupil starts to perceive that differences exist: where the great majority of that it possesss greater access the culture, by means of the reading of books, Internet, and/or parents with better social standards, is considered falantes, most intelligent, the ones that take off greaters notes; excessively is less intelligent, the notes lowest. These factors give to the individual edge for the success or the failure in agreement its psychological development. Destarte, SANTOMAURO clarifies: Who does not present its ideas with clarity or badly defends its arguments ahead of a group faces problems in such a way in the classroom as in the professional life. (NEW SCHOOL, March 2010, P. 43). The constant transformation in the life of the pupil if of the one from that it if does not feel fearful in displaying its ideas without thinking that he is if expressing missed or that to its debates and its arguments they are entering in controversies with the subject debated at that moment is necessary that the family next to the school has repassed a reliable feeling, that is basic for the development of this pupil. To communicate itself in different contexts is question of social inclusion, and is paper of the school to teach this, or still, it is this that allows the pupils if to appropriate of the slight knowledge and techniques and the instruments to the development of its capacity of expression in communication situation.

(op. Cit. 2010, P. 43) the education, however, does not have to be the service of the values of the market, and yes of the society, the family which worried about the psychic and intellectual development of its pupils they look to live deeply each educational moment next to the school, giving emphasis to the knowledge acquired for them inside of the pertaining to school institution, stoning them to be professional of critical qualities and not to think mere viewers of high remuneration. .