Launch Profession For The Horizon In Munster

Horizon – who studies international trade fair and qualified- education: education fair informed about study opportunities in Germany and abroad Mannheim, the 15 September 2008 at the exhibition stands the visitors meet partner universities from all over Germany and the Netherlands: public and private universities, colleges and business schools provide information first-hand around their courses and the University location. Companies present themselves and their range of dual courses and training courses for high school graduates. The present HR decision-makers questions to career opportunities in the economy. Many young people on the path to graduation have no clear idea of the possibilities open to them after graduation, let alone of it, which could fit to them education and career path: in nearly 10,000 courses, which are alone in Germany offer, no wonder. Here the horizon through the personal and individual advice can open up new possibilities and provide a valuable decision-making tool. Click dean geyer to learn more. Great uncertainty at the young career starters also with regard to the new Bachelor and master courses and degrees: on Saturday, the horizon presents at 11: 00 information and talking with experts on this issue.

All visitors are invited to make their individual questions by competent experts. A comprehensive program of lectures and workshops held around the range of information on the trade fair stands: those who are interested in a career in business or in international management, find it here is guaranteed. Also here many opportunities to study abroad, before or during the study period will be presented in detail: study abroad or semester, work & travel, internships, volunteer work or language year are just a few of the ways to make this dream come true. The framework programme, the complete offer directory and all necessary information for visiting the horizon on the coming Saturday and Sunday takes place in the Halle Munsterland, indicates the site of the event:. horizon in Munster: 20/21 September 2008 Munster, Halle Munsterland opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 9 till 16: 00. The admission is free.

horizon in Mainz, Germany 8/9 November 2008 Rheingoldhalle, Mainz horizon in Stuttgart March 7th and 8th, 2009 Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart horizon in Friedrichshafen 9th/10th May 2009 Messe Friedrichshafen horizon in Bremen 20/21 June 2009 Messe Bremen information there’s the organiser scope fair strategy gmbh, Tel. 0621 / 122-998-30, E-Mail: scope fair strategy gmbh Krappmuhlstr. 29 68165 Mannheim Tel. 0621 / 122-998-30 email: Web: contact person: Anette Petzoldt, GF