Mara Kayser

The new album by Mara Kayser – I show you my world (the greatest hits) Mara Kayser is the Queen of the ballad. Her velvet dark voice is unique and unmistakable in every respect in the pop business. The title of the current best album, “Let me show you my world” could not be true, since it’s only songs, the Mara itself has written or which significantly dropped her impulses. It is therefore only songs from the year 2005. A year that was of great importance for Mara, exactly at this time she began to write the lyrics of their songs and thus also define their artistic line. The starting point for musical independence was “silent morning star” album. Namely, in the production of this phonogram, Mara met producer Wolfgang Herrmann, who at the time worked for Mara as a vocal coach. This happy meeting resulted in an intense musical collaboration.

In the following, Wolfgang Hermann cared to all productions of the attractive citizen of Saarland and wrote the music and arrangements for their texts. The self-penned lyrics are like a subtle mirror of her life. Everyday stories are condensed artistically and it caused small musical works of art with high potential for identification. Mara Kayser mastered the art to put feelings into words like no other. The album reflects the musical development of the artist and contains only known hits of the last five years as “I scatter roses on the way”, “morning star alone”, “A new day”, “I forgot the love song”, “All men in this world”, “I want more” and not least, musical highlights such as the atmospheric “big city night” or the sensitive ballad “Small tear”. In addition, two completely new tracks on the album, once again documented the wide range of the artist and of the musical and textual quality are a special highlight for the fans Here are the other songs in nothing. “Take a trip through my heart” is a song which deals with the search for the true self of the partner concerned and invites you on a journey to the core of the loved ones.

The bottom line is that love takes confidence and the ability to engage on the partner. The song is beautiful and impresses with this deep and eternal truth. Funny and with a dash of self-deprecating seasoned prick up their ears can, however, the second title of “Great men”.The cheerful melody and the rhythm of the fleet make courage that the eternally old theme “man seeking woman, woman seeking man” at the end is experiencing a happy outcome, free according to the motto: “the good is so close, you only need to see it”! “Let me show you my world” is a successful compilation of their greatest hits in the last five years even produced by Mara Kayser. The phonogram, song for song resembles a painting developed over years Mara Kaysers music and beautiful poetic lyrics to a moving work of art grow together.