Monopoly Violating Condition

Frederico de Sousa Almeida Duarte* SUMMARY: Introduction; 1. Historical boarding; 2. Monopoly, a conceptual vision; 2,1 Oligopolies while it forms to monopolize; 3. Principles of the Economic Order; 2.1. Antitrust law and CADE; 3. Monopoly, the abolition of the competition and exempts Initiative; Conclusion; References.

SUMMARY Presents a general analysis concerning the situation of the monopoly, as violating of the principles of the economic order, the Free Initiative and the Free Competition. This because the monopoly is a economic situation characterized by an imperfect competition where only a company withholds the power of the market without competition, thus delimiting to be able of choice of the consumer. But in order to prevent monopoly situations, the State must regulate these relations, and this happens through the Antitrust Law with Auxilio of the CADE, that plays the function of repression and prevention in the concorrencial area. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Monopoly. It exempts Initiative. It exempts Competition.

Antitrust law. CADE Introduction The monopoly situation is characterized for an only company to vender definitive products, does not exist competition, what it has is a great responsible firm for the control of the price of the products. This situation of economy makes to violate mainly the beginning of the Free Competition that many times is perceived as synonymous of the Free Initiative, what it is not truth as will be perceived well. The monopoly situation does not allow the entrance of new competitor companies, and so that if it prevents this is necessary that the State comes to intervine and this the same makes supported in the Antitrust Law, that has for purpose to prevent to reprehend the infractions against economic order, having the CADE (Board of directors of Economic Defense), as responsible agency mainly for the observance of the effectiveness of the Antitrust Law. However, types of monopolies exist, as the coercive ones that they are supported by the State due to exclusiveness of the patents in the market, and the state monopolies.