National Conference

To date the figure operates these two forms. For this decision influences the size of the organization. Skills and training the community manager is a person, a team from work or a social agency media, you must have certain knowledge, abilities and skills that are necessary to run your job. It is noteworthy that they cover a broad spectrum from different professions currently as standardized programming and systems, psychology, social communication, journalism, graphic design, marketing, advertising, among others. Davinia Suarez (2010) affirms that the community manager should have a multidisciplinary training related to communication and marketing and a wide knowledge and as a power user of social networks, from there are many possible combinations. There is no specific training for this field, you can have studied journalism, communication, public relations, marketing or advertising, provided you are an very active and ready to keep learning constantly because Internet everything changes very quickly. Maria Infante (Spain, 2010), also rapporteur of the first National Conference of community leaders, affirms that it is fundamental to be good Communicator, which knows to express themselves and who know the language of the members of the community within the networks to be able to address them correctly.

You must know the tools and be a social person not only inside if not also outside the network. In this sense, academic training in communication and marketing branch should not be an imperative, but a plus. For its part, AERCO (2009) recommends a series of technical skills, social skills and attitudes can be highlighted where knowledge of the work and nature of the company, knowledge in marketing, advertising and corporate communications, geek (passion for new technologies, Internet and Web 2.0), early adopter (adopter early trends and technologies), always on (always connected, even be mobile), experience in communication online, Evangelist (preaches brand), and others as a good conversationalist, empathic, assertive, moderator and willing to work in team.