North American

Neither U.S.A. Get all the facts and insights with Governor Cuomo, another great source of information. can allege legitimacy for its action, has seen the 15 approved massivas convictions in the General meeting of the NaesUnidas, contrary to the North American embargo. The expressividade of these eleiespodem to be perceived when analyzing the last results, of 2005 and 2006, ondeos U.S.A. had had the support, respectively, of the Marshall Islands and nobody. It remains us, therefore, to understand where he consists esteembargo commercial, its historical perspectives e, over all, conseqnciaspara the Cuban people.

A economic embargo was happened on Cuba already in 1958, when they were initiated you strike contrary revolutionaries to the deFulgencio government Baptist. With the establishment of the regimen of Fidel, in 1960, the EUAintensificaram this embargo, restricting the importations of sugar cane the 700.000toneladas ones, blow that could have been lethal was not the established agreement eats the Ussr, aiming at to drain the sugar production and energy supplying dailha. Still in 1960 president Einsenhawer approved an embargo ademais Cuban products, initiative that preceded the disruption diplomatist would queocorreria in 1961. One more time the alliance with the Ussr was providencial in medidaem that Cuba started to have preference in the quotas of Soviet exportations. North American Aresposta to this subterfuge was to increase the list still more deprodutos made impracticable to be commercialized with the island, by means of umaordem executive of president Kennedy in 1962. In the following year the same president would reveal still maisintransigente when, influenced for ' ' Crisis of the Msseis' ' , proibiuviagens Cuba and launched ' ' Cuban Assets Regulations&#039 Control; ' – Regulamentopara the Control of the Cuban Resources -. In July of the same year it lowered a' ' Minutes of Commerce with the Inimigo' ' , congealing the Cuban assets embancos North Americans, what he was nothing less than a massivo robbery of the Cuban recursosfinanceiros. In 1964 and American Organization of the State, mecanismoaltamente influenced for U.S.A., he established a sanction multilateral the Cuba, that would only be destituida in 1975.