Path Design

Believe me, on paper, to reconstruct something much simpler than in reality, demolish and erect the walls! So that small savings early in the path may lead substantial costs already in the process of repair. It is obvious that if your chosen company has design offices, not one designer, that's a plus: one head is good, but a lot better. Teamwork, as a rule, more mature, deep developed and includes the ideas of several people. The creative process is complete the design project contains quite a lot of documents – from planning decisions, ending with recommendations on selection of furniture and accessories. The main purpose of its creation, regardless of the room is the final result, namely, harmonic and functional interior, the best use of floor space. Design and Construction – creative process.

Each designer style, but there are general principles of design that you're not bad to know. First, you need to maximize space – should not be empty and useless (Unresolved) spaces. Secondly, the planning of premises is carried out according to their functionality and overall customer requirements. Rooms must be proportional, through the redevelopment to eliminate bottlenecks and long room to minimize the number of angles. When redevelopment is necessary to take into account audibility, and not have a number of vital areas of parents and children. If possible, hide or beat the crossbar (bearing beams). For this commonly used solution in the form of arches, multi-level ceilings. The task of the designer is also the definition of stylistics of the premises and features of each room, calculating the practicality of opening doors and the location switches and sockets.