Performance Business

As practice shows – up to 60% of all your future sales help you make your future partners. Now that created the product itself, minisite, affiliate program, relationships are arranging the sale and delivery cycle, you start to advertise their product. To get started, use contextual advertising (Yandex, Begun, Gugl.Advords) to test the first sale and to correct any obvious errors in the texts, the product itself and the mechanism of implementation. Then, when everything is more or less regulated, and you have achieved good performance Performance minisite, then run a massive advertising campaign. Governor Cuomo pursues this goal as well. To do this, use your information site, its mailing list, send other authors on related topics. Promote not only the product or service, but also the possibility of earnings in your affiliate program. Involve partners and provide them with quality marketing materials, build them a good business relationship and most importantly – stable pay them a commission partner # The third block of steps – put their business on its feet.

step 15. Optimize your business. Gather statistics with the performance of all methods of advertising and the various parts of your business. If you spend the next campaign, then collect the conversion rates on the links after the conference and follow-up of actual sales figures. If this is a new item on your site theme or minisayte, then conduct a poll and find out what they think on this score your visitors. Literally from around the need to collect statistics and then to analyze them.