Pledtex Curtains

I am a director of the Camp. Material part of our camp includes more than 700 beds, each of which must be fully equipped with quality bed linen. Good supplier curtains for us – a great success. If you would like to know more then you should visit Rob Daley. This year we have acquired a very good match curtains wholesale. It is clear that a large number of children brats able to quickly bring into disrepair, even the most durable foundations, but we are very happy with the party. This is a great curtain, do not lose their appearance after washing, do not require careful maintenance, so wash all the curtains can not supply more than once in three shifts, which is very convenient. Directly from store covered, we have a simple but very hardwearing product. In the camp life can be different: children can lose something, something to break, but few if they have any imagination? Counselors this year came up with to arrange the curtains of our tents right on the street, one squad dressed up in them for an evening program: had children, became a tribe of Indians As head of dol, I want to thank Pledtex, as easy to use and reliable supplier of curtains. Irina V. Troezorova, Director of the dol Vympel