Russian State Fisheries Committee

A draft of such innovations have criticized human rights activists, the idea of comparing the mep with 'stukachestvom'. However, a similar system existed in the Soviet Union, where the student squads went to fight with poachers. When a court impose fines from the violators, 25 percent of these funds were paid to students. The same system with the 70-ies operates in the U.S., where some citizens are living through such awards. Russia plans to put a moratorium on sturgeon fishing Russian State Fisheries Committee proposed a five-year moratorium on sturgeon fishing in the Caspian sea for all littoral states. Russia will soon formally invite the neighbors across the Caspian Sea – Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan – to announce a five-year moratorium on fishing sturgeon. 'Today the sturgeon are on the verge of extinction, this fish is the relic, it 30 million years, and if nothing is done in her defense, sturgeon have disappeared in recent memory '- the chairman of the State Committee for Fisheries Andrew deadline. According to official, Russia is ready to abandon the Caspian sturgeon catch in the current year.

However, for the moratorium requires the consent of all five littoral states: Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan. As later stated Adviser of the Department of Conservation and breeding of aquatic biological resources the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry Tariel Mammadov, Azerbaijan is ready to support Russia's proposal for a moratorium on fishing sturgeon. In Europe and Russia returning migratory birds into the European territory of Russia after wintering in a warmer climate are beginning to return birds.