Omsk Region Flax Production

The volume of production of flax in the agricultural sector of Russia for 4 years increased by more than 6 times. And by 2012 it is planned to increase by 13 times (up to 3.9 tonnes). In 2009, the acreage of flax in the Omsk region has reached 3,100 hectares. Seeding this crop in the current year was carried out agricultural producers Znamensky, Muromtsevsky and Bolsheukovskogo areas. The expected yield of flax – 8-10 kg / ha. Primary processing of flax is carried on flax zao Flax and the sec "Soloviev" in Znamenskoye district, a peasant farm "Arrow" Bolsheukovskogo area ip "Artemiev MI" in Muromtsevsky area. Modernization of equipment based on the Company Znamensky Flax allowed for deep processing of flax and produce highly purified fiber "Roslan.

Lnosyre, according to experts, demand, production demand in the automobile factories. Further development of the flax in the region associated with construction in the area plant medicinal cotton linen. Construction and commissioning of the plant will ensure a stable market Sales of flax fiber. And also in addition to create up to 1,5 thousand jobs, increase tax revenues to budgets of all levels up to 11 million rubles. The company will start work by end of 2009, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk region. Since the production of flax – one of the promising areas in the agricultural sector of the country, farmers who grow flax, state support. The regional program "Development of flax in the Omsk region until 2012," it provides grants (for equipment for the processing of flax, for the purchase of agricultural machines, plant protection products and mineral fertilizers).