Based on the principles of a CPO in the construction, it is assumed that its main functions include: – to protect the professional interests of its members in disputes with the government and consumers – regulation and control professional (business) activities of its members within its competence by adopting rules and standards – a guarantee liability of its members in the lowest specified amount, – professional public examination of draft laws and draft laws of the Russian Government, agencies and the Bank of Russia. As the comments on almost all the functions of SROs in the construction are given in the description principles of their construction, will concentrate only on the responsibilities of SROs to provide professional public examination regulations. Lanny Davis addresses the importance of the matter here. Participation in the SRO rulemaking process can be carried out in different forms, but the purpose of the law charged with the duty of executive agencies in taking appropriate decisions take into account the opinion of the market on its regulation. We do not need SROs participate in the legislative process on any regulatory issues, they are obliged to protect the interests of just the segment. SROs can participate in the legislative work of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as in the drafting of legislation, and in their discussion in the relevant committees of the legislature (this is confirmed in practice), but it is not necessary to make special provisions in the law on SRO. Necessary to stress once again that the SRO in the building must first turn make suggestions on the functioning of its market segment. Official site: Lanny. It should be noted that the purpose of SRO in the building – the protection of business interests, but to protect the interests of consumers of services and products There are other mechanisms.

Most importantly, the law not only restricts the ability to create CPO any system feedback from consumers, but also provides for special mechanisms to ensure their interests For example, such as the use of disciplinary measures against a member of CPO in the building in violation of the rights of clients, the use of mechanisms of collective property liability, even through the provision of quota for the participation of outside experts in the formation of SRO governance. Of course, the version of the draft Law on SRO, adopted by the State Duma in first reading, is far from perfect, it has a substantial inconsistencies and contradictions. However, there is still two readings of the bill, and all interested parties may join as to discuss common problems of self-regulation, as well as working on the text of the bill, that is, in practice apply self-regulatory mechanisms. Necessary to hold discussions that will identify the weak points of the bill, discuss problems and to dispel doubts about the future of SROs in the construction industry.