Houston Chronicle

Its appearance only aggravates the conflict. The AUC has admitted that they win until a 70 percent of his income of the drug traffic. Hutchinson indicated the administrator of the DEA in its 13 of March of 2002, Congress of which several groups of self-defense to collect bottoms by means of extortion, or the protection of the operations of laboratory, in the north and the center of Colombia. You live indicates that " He is interesting that the one of paramilitary of right, also known like self-defense self-defense in Colombia, presumably have forts bonds with the drug traffic, as well as to forces of seguridad". According to the DAS classified document mentioned by You live, above from Colombia to Brown the paramilitary head, Carlos, well is known as a drug trafficker.128 Bibes indicates that the CRAF, with the purpose of to sell arms to drugs and the Caribbean and Panama, have actively been trying abrir a runner in a region of production of cultures for the financing of the paramilitary ones. The estimations on the amount of bottoms that the paramilitary ELN, CRAF and groups to obtain the drug commerce vary widely.

The 3 of August of 2001, the Houston Chronicle mentions Alfredo Rangel, Colombian military analyst, in the sense that the benefits of the drug traffic at the moment the 48 percent of the CRAF of the total income, that promote to almost $ 180 annual million. According to estimations of the Colombian government, in 1998 the income of Colombia the guerrilla and paramilitary organizations of the drug commerce reach to U.S. $ 551 million. Others say that the number is superior. Brown Rafael, for example, explains that the CRAF took the control from cocaine cultures in Colombia in second half of the decade of 1990 " and harnessed its income to more than 600 million dollars to the year, which possibly the richer insurgent group in historia".