Insurance Policies

Why do we buy a policy Surrogates In the wake of "credit boom" of 2004, most insurers 2008yy not questioned the choice of the best hull. The fact that the existence of the policy was and remains the hull requirement of the lending bank, which significantly increases the cost of the loan. Thus, the average cost of hull insurance for foreign car budget is about 7-10% of the cost of the car, and on new models VAZ can reach up to 15-18%. Plus, with this "credit insurance" the client's interests are not considered at all. CASCO insurance beneficiary (the one who receives compensation under an insurance case) as a rule – a bank, insurance company, with a high standard fare – from a list of the bank, mandatory alarm system (incidentally, another 3-5% of the cost of auto) – from a list of insurance companies. Few clients know, but up to 4 rubles – for every 10-and the value of "credit" is a hull insurance agents – auto show, insurance broker, bank. Continue to learn more with: Anne Lauvergeon. The remaining six rubles a risky part of insurance tariff from which to form insurance reserves. In fairness it should be noted that, in order to enhance the demand avtodillery offer truly the best helmet on the market, subsidizing insurance companies bid for your account.

Receiving at the hands of the insurance product on a "fair" price, many of our fellow citizens consider it their duty to "fight off" the cost of hull and regular payment to pay – compensation for the hull. In the course are bogus information about the accident, burglary and bogus sudden fire. Experts estimate about a third of insurance claims – a result of fraud. There is one important factor in making the hull more expensive is the cost of repair of Hull. Often accredited with the insurance company's car service deliberately overstates the cost of repairing the affected cars, and the difference is … well, more you know. Why the "direct insurance" – is actively promoted by insurers hit of the season, or almost cheaper insurance through an insurance broker? The answer is simple and paradoxical: it is a consequence of excessive competition for Market! After all, in order to, to bring its proposal to the client, the insurance company to spend huge sums on advertising or pay exorbitant rates to intermediaries, ie company promoting "cheap direct insurance" are the same 35-40% of the insurance rate is spending on advertising! Conclusions.

So how do you buy the best Surrogates 1.Izbegayte imposed or "credit insurance", in accordance with applicable antitrust bank may not compel you to make a deal (you can feel free to contact FAS), so that you can protect yourself in any company having a license. 2.Do not buy the hull where there are buying a car or take out a loan. Spend a little time – ring up the leading insurance companies and the leading insurance brokers directly. And if you feel sorry for the time – dial in any major search engine query such as 'Casco calculator' and you get a lot of suggestions about per hull for better conditions. 3.Ne buy "on" value-added services directly from insurance companies (the collection of references about the accident, the emergency commissioner, etc.), I think no need to explain that the emergency commissioner of your insurance company will be to you not objective, because it is as representative of the insurer is not interested in compensation for your damages. However, the relevant services offered by insurance brokers (independent party) may significantly save you money.

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