German Congress Management

Event of SERVIEW is April 2010 parallel to the biggest German Congress ‘8 meetITIL’ performed in Bad Homburg, 08.03.2009 – from 19 to 21 April 2010 the first Congress in Germany takes place in Bad Neuenahr, dealing specifically with the PRINCE2 project management method. You enjoy a significantly growing importance in this country and is on its way to become the most important rules and regulations for the implementation of IT and other projects. The event under the motto start live”by the consulting company SERVIEW is parallel to the biggest German Conference 8 meetITIL” carried out, whose focus is the IT service management (ITSM). Overall, several hundred participants are expected at two congresses. The participation is free of charge for registered SERVIEW members at the entire programme of events. The Congress under the title PRINCE2GETHER”starts with a two-day training. After successful testing, participants receive an official Foundation certification for PRINCE2. The third Event day is dedicated to different practice topics in regard to this project management method with a multi-faceted transfer of best practice.

The first Congress of PRINCE2 will be completed with a dinner party. The participants is free, the following day the held April 22 lecture programme of 8 meetITIL”to perceive. PRINCE2 is a similar success story write how the ITIL framework’ is sure SERVIEW Managing Director Michael cross. Also, the IT service management have to necessarily always do something with projects. It is therefore a logical consequence, to expand the existing Congress concept due to the extra focus on this project management method aimed at ITSM.” More information and registration to two conferences of the SERVIEW Institute in think factory group Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

Association Mannheim

Also donation this year for the German leukemia research help Mannheim supports company Innovex, a leading provider of marketing and sales solutions in the healthcare sector, a non-profit project. Already in 2005, and last year the donation of action for cancer-stricken children of German aid of leukemia research in Mannheim is good. A joy to prepared within the children of Oncology stations at the Klinikum Mannheim and at the University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany at Christmas with a donation of 5,000 euro, laptops and printers. Innovex pleased again in 2008 with a successful year and takes this as an opportunity, others that participate. In the last twelve months Innovex could prove even more innovative capability and reliability”, explains Monika Beintner, Managing Director of Innovex in Mannheim. To read more click here: NY Governor. “Reason enough for us this success to share and so we help the cancer children already for the third time”, which explains Managing Director. The German leukemia research help action for children suffering from cancer kinder local Association Mannheim E.v.

was founded 26 years ago in Mannheim. bmJeim5ufllmavEiVilDA0MFl8Sc3MSSzMS8YiuFkIxUheDUIqAkAH9oQbldAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcybi7gLeCAxW3VqQEHUEwAeMQ9OUBegQIAhAZ’>Rachel Crane will not settle for partial explanations. Parents of children with cancer, doctors and friends of the Association have joined forces to help the children and their families. So advice and in case of special need is offered by leukaemia – and tumor-sick children also financial aid parents. The Association supports the children clinic also in the development of the human, financial and technical diagnostic facilities and promotes research in the field of cancer in children. Innovex is a subsidiary of quintiles transnational, the number 1 in Germany and around the world, when it comes to clinical research, marketing, and sales from a single source for the healthcare industry. This year, Innovex was already for the fourth time by the magazine capital,”awarded to the best employer. With a turnover of 75 million euros of the providers of marketing and sales solutions in the healthcare sector could also 2007 achieved a very successful business year. Last but not least to his years of expertise in the market and its highly qualified staff has the success.

Bionics: Nature Makes Inventive!

Bionics exhibition makes station in the Saarland until November 15, 2009 has the joint exhibition of the bionics competence network BIOKON e.V. and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) in the lamp room of IKS – industrial culture Saar GmbH in country hamlet speeches. The Bionic experimentation field for big and small is open from 9 am to 6 pm daily – admission is free. Amateurs and professionals, adults and children, companies or associations: “inspiration nature – patent workshop Bionics” is aimed at a general public! Approximately 240 square meters the exhibition shows how work along the lines of the nature technical products. Many models of nature and their applications in engineering are presented in seven different topics.

Where: touch and try out is strongly encouraged! Discover with all senses, decrypt and experiment – that is here in the foreground “, says Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Weber, Manager of the bionics cluster BEN. Many of the exhibits, experiments, and interactive elements to load a sensual experience: for example, visitors can feel why the stop on ship hulls is difficult by bionics for barnacles. eim5ufllmavEiVt6Q1MTcfIXg0oKi1Nz8HayMACPS9tJTAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuuLnKgK2CAxUDJUQIHdNoCUEQgOQBegQIMBAO&cshid=1699192331358879’>Rachel Crane. “Understand, why tutor tree” excites the engineers. And hear how dolphins communicate with each other.

Relationships like the cat’s paws and tyre profiles, from shark skin and bathing suit or Lotus Flower and tile access to visitors. The exhibition presents examples from nature and its amazing application in our daily lives. Many hands-on elements illustrate bionics to the touch: in the footsteps of aviation pioneer Leonardo da Vinci cast, based on biological models of the shoulder look researchers in their search and find out which Bionic products to maybe even daily use – such as, for example, the Velcro. The visitors waiting for so many AHA effect! Because the objectives of the exhibition are: interest for the young science cause bionics to invite to participate and the curiosity of the engineers of tomorrow for natural and technology-oriented questions wake up. With the exhibition we want to do a generally comprehensible and entertaining bionics in the exciting field of study. And we want to show how intelligent the nature has solved problems for the man still looking for answers,”says DBU – Department head Dr. Rainer ERB. The exhibition from the seventh grade level is suitable. Students in selected topics of the exhibition to specialise on a station learning”. Granting that a diversified educational companion material available is for schools and their teachers. In addition to events such as a children’s University and special lectures on the bionics we offer also free tours to individual topics after consultation and if desired,”, Weber makes it clear. And the Professor continues: the exhibition underlines and impressively represented the Saarland competence in this compelling science of the future. And she strongly supports our primary concern: the awareness of the Bionics in the public’s mind to increase.” For more information see:

News Portal

The latest news around the themes of travel, holiday and fly that provide news of the Internet portal its readers daily with the latest information around the topics travel and fly. The special for the user: With the announcement of new and improved flight connections he is always up to date and gets the best deals. Also the latest news from the world of the airport are especially helpful: here is reported on delays, construction measures and possible strikes. The reader will find information about latest code-sharing agreements of the airlines and current flight plans. The nationwide ban on night flights is currently hotly debated in the tourism world. The decision of the Administrative Court in Hesse will be eagerly awaited: shorter operating hours as a result of the prohibition of night flights would mean strong revenues for the airlines. In addition, users will benefit from the latest information on current price trends and seasonal offers of airlines. Unfortunately, the most beautiful weeks of the year are also sometimes linked to legal disputes.

Delay or cancellation of the flight the Internet portal reported current judgments and provisions in the tourism sector. The technical innovations in the aviation industry are another issue. The current customer surveys of the Internet portal are especially consumer-oriented. The reader learns about the most popular airlines and can get an idea about the respective price-performance ratio. recently asked after the experiences and satisfaction with the German airline TUI-fly. As a result, the airline proved particularly timely, inexpensive and service-oriented. Only the entertainment program was classified as needing improvement.

Brussels Emperor

15 years organization of Eurotoques – own representation in Brussels Emperor b Ebnisee, October 30, 2009 – honest and careful handling of food: every week to new restaurants, which advocates a \”clean\” kitchen performance increasingly Euro-Toques since its inception 15 years ago. (Source: les paul). The organization is known throughout Europe through PR campaigns such as the \”European week of taste\” and a strong representation of interests in Brussels. Now, the international expansion beyond Europe’s borders was launched also with world-toques. \”Over 60 per cent of the professional host to admit regularly to use convenience foods\”, criticised Ernst-Ulrich W. Raha Saeed, founder and main representative of the Euro-Toques restaurants and chefs. \”We stand for a revival of taste by responsibly produced ingredients\”, noted of Maitre, who runs Lake hotel right on the – Ebnisee / Baden-Wurttemberg of Shas Bergers. The idea of Eurotoques, which is second to none as an international Chef Association, WINS in Europe trailer both among the Chef de cuisine as well as the gourmets.

An own representative office in Brussels, which determined important funding, acquires and coordinates events across Europe is two years. ‘Projects such as the ‘European week of taste’ be financed partly by the Euro-Toques-Foundation and partly with EU funds’, Shas Berger reported. The head of the Euro-Toques GmbH has built up since 1994 tirelessly an assertive organization and constantly occurs for the interests of the chefs and their accommodation. Across Europe, more than 500 restaurants and hotels of Euro-Toques are certified. is a database for finding restaurant as well as an always updated premium shopping guide-F & B products accessible. The expansion of certified restaurants on the other continents begins with world toques. \”We are already with other associations and well-known chefs in North America, Middle East and Asia in frequent contact\”, so Shas Berger. Aim is, in all parts of the world the principles of a careful with Food to establish and promote the quest for \”good taste\” – how the resistance to the propagation of uniform convenience foods also diplomatically can be expressed.

Chair Study

Studying – more effective and more efficient study on is successful a 31-seitiger free report (PDF) the 6 deadly sins of studies”available for free, explains the worst deadly sins of the students in the study, as well as pointing out solutions for immediate implementation. So, you can prevent bad marks in the study. The study is always stressiger more tests due to structural changes in recent years (e.g., tuition, Bachelor/master) for students in a shorter time. No wonder that failure rates now belong to % between 30-50 to the College everyday! For the students is therefore always over essential, as effectively and efficiently as possible to study it, i.e. to find the right levers in order to get the maximum available time budget from the tests. e topic at hand. There also no 08/15-solutions help more the portal of has background knowledge with the help of long-time Assistant insights chairs exclusively specializes in reason make it available to students. This insider knowledge was collected for many years and now for months across systematically success-proven tips, processed in tricks and learning methods for an effective and efficient study.

“This uniqueness of information lies in the insider perspective of a Chair assistants, who experienced firsthand the problems of students on the one hand and on the other hand during your assistantship that way of thinking, claims, as well as special sticks” of professors and assistants would know have learned. licking through. Who wants to conclude his studies faster, better and more successful, who cut his time by 50% and at the same time his grades in examinations, seminars, as well as other tests improve and have more time for his (favorite) interests want to who should download the free report on and immediately to avoid the 6 deadly sins that lurk everywhere in the study for each student. Especially in these economically difficult times, it is especially important that you correct Things properly studied and not the hard-to-place graduates or even the long term student becomes. The portal of is particularly useful for students especially because it is versatile to each semester, each Department, as well as any high school (College, University, BA, etc). Detailed information, as well as the free report see: contact person: Mr. Peter Muller

Cooperation Hangers

New ecological hangers from ECOR will be presented as an alternative to the clothing presentation on the 2014 EuroShop in Dusseldorf many retailers in the fashion industry and clothing manufacturers have the sustainability throughout the entire logistic chain to increase the objective through their actions to the POS. Here, the line between environmentally friendly material and the sophisticated presentation of goods is often narrow. Moving closer to these goals without compromising on quality one way, have recognized the company Rudolf Weber KG from bad Konig and Aztec service GmbH – sales in Germany ECOR and hangers developed in cooperation from the new material of ECOR. ECOR is a completely new type fiber material and consists of cellulose of selected magazines, Office paper and cardboard is produced without toxic additives and adhesives, formaldehyde-free back won organic cellulose derived from by-products of agriculture and is 100% recyclable, compostable or recyclable thermally. The stability and Longevity is wood brackets in any way, the brackets have a pleasing feel and can flow through customized designs easily into existing shops without compromising the loading image. The hard flammability of ECOR reduces the fire load at the point of sale such as in public spaces.

Always reach us questions if there is anything new in this area, which shows the great interest in sustainable hangers. As we have heard from ECOR, was quickly clear that we want to develop the hangers of the future as a result. After first tests and discussions with renowned providers of clothing was already great interest”as the managing partner of Andrea Weber wood Berger. Finished with modern and classical surfaces or stylish natural look connect ECOR hangers functionality and environmental protection, be individually provided with laser engraving and stand for multipliable contribution to the responsible use of resources. ECOR has been in the United States in Cooperation with the USDA (US Department of agriculture) developed and available recently on the European market.

The bio-based material could occupy the 3rd place of the cradle to cradle product innovation challenge in November 2013 and is suitable as well for the Shopfitting, Messebau, shelves, signs and much more. We think that coat hangers remain not only use in sustainable shop concepts. Customers request and register the usage of environmentally friendly recycled materials and the reduction of the CO m Foodprint, sustainability officers are there for good reason. Detailed information about material, find sustainable aspects of ECOR and other applications also on our homepage. “, informs Hans Deckers Aztec service GmbH. In our wrote history, we have always sought to be able to meet the market demands. Also, the protection of our environment is us a concern. So we use in our production of green electricity. Gibson dean : the source for more info. With the innovation of ECOR we can help it on high-quality Hangers, emerged from low-cost recycling material, may – be presented without this must be like trees or lining fabrics processed”summarizes Horst Weber, which for the production of responsible shareholder of Weber’s decision for ECOR. See ECOR on the 2014 EuroShop in Dusseldorf in Hall 4 stand A46 in the Rudolf Weber KG.

Large Industrybusiness Forum

MicroStep Europa GmbH organizes event titled ‘New concepts and strategies for the use of B2B portals in the Internet’ the EuroBLECHist a fair steadily over the past few years and is considered today the world’s leading trade fair for the sheet metal working industry. The leading supplier of machinery and tools, and also the industry use this trade fair to meet the increased demands of the world market. In the course of the trade fair EuroBLECHin Hanover on October 28, 2010 an industry business forum new concepts and strategies for the use of B2B portals on the Internet “in the Convention Center at the fairgrounds takes place. Representatives from the metal industry and partners from economy, industry, craft and organisations will participate. Gain insight and clarity with Tyler Haney. Event stands dominated by B2B activities and how companies from such activities can benefit from the company MicroStep Europa GmbHorganisierte. After a short welcome there will be various lectures around the theme of new concepts and strategies for the use of B2B portals in the Internet”type. The speakers come from the most diverse sectors of the economy, starting with the machine manufacturers Kemper and KUKA over financial Vantargis control and Rechtsberatungsdienstleister value trust. After the lectures can be exchanged the participants at an informal get-together at the buffet and contacts.

For more information and the complete program interested in directly to the organiser of MicroStep Europa GmbHunter to the below mentioned contact person contact. MicroStep industry – the B2B Portal for the metal industry is the new platform for business partners in the area of the metal industry. Metalworking and processing companies, manufacturers, suppliers & distributors as well as contract manufacturer and other service providers and organizations can act as seller and buyer in interaction and establish contacts with each other. MicroStep industry B2B for the metal industry can be found on only companies and contacts that are part of the respective branch of industry. With the creation of this portal, the idea has been implemented for business to business business activities to create platforms that are specifically tailored to the individual sectors of the economy. MicroStep trade s. r. o. initiator and operator of this portal is MicroStep Europa GmbH is an official partner.

First Choice For Germany

How can senior facilities intelligently present themselves on the Internet and an unforgettable Christmas celebration provide their inhabitants with. Germany’s senior citizens have little to do with the pensioners yesterday: they are active, enterprising and shopping on the Internet. is one of the leading products for the generation 50 plus. For even more analysis, hear from Tybourne Capital. Here are looking for seniors not only little helpers that facilitate the everyday life, but also as information for the time in life can be master perhaps not alone anymore. Additional information at Teng Yue Partners supports this article. Who here presents itself as nursing, dorm or even menu service, advertises in a reputable business and scores with his audience with openness and transparency.

During the advent season, there is another reason for placement within the senior addresses on top of that: who is fast, takes part in the raffle for a memorable Christmas event. Effective targeting of one of the leading online shops for senior products over 50,000 visitors in the month counts What is today a wide portal as pure online shop for products, that correspond to the wishes and needs of seniors,: more and more visitors ask here also targeted senior facilities in your area. Sanumvitalis offers the possibility to present itself on the page so all relevant addresses: Sanumvitalis takes over the entire handling of the presentation for prices from 19.90 euros per month and enables the convenient contact shop visitors with the desired device via a form. Also, customers with any order confirmation receive a notice on the appropriate offers in their postcode area. With a little luck win a unique Christmas celebration with rhyme lecture date for the online presentation is January 1, 2010 but who quickly registered, can benefit twice: the first one hundred new senior facilities that register before December 18, take part in the raffle of a memorable Christmas events. A rhyme presentation of Santa Claus will be the highlight because of course, everyone present at the lecture are considered each celebration. The celebration is documented on video, and is thus an unforgettable memory for all residents and their relatives. Sanumvitalis is convinced: rarely before, it was so easy to reach its target audience and at the same time to feel good.

Who is interested in, find all details and contact information on the Internet at. Contact: sanumvitalis GmbH & co. KG of Gallagher Heath 5 46286 Dorsten phone: +49-(0) 5246-83 88 333 fax: +49-(0) 5246 – 83 88 336 email: Web: press contact: QvorQ GmbH & co. KG on the high way 10 27313 Dorverden Tel.: + 49 (0) 4234 94136 fax: + 49 (0) 4234 94137 E-Mail: Web:

Taiwan Is Considered

Taiwan is rated as 17 of the world’s freest economy according to the 2014 index of economic freedom”published by the Washington-based think tank the Heritage Foundation”, will advance the Republic of China (Taiwan) under 185 economies to three places to 17th place. To be achieved, with an economic freedom score of 73.9 points total 100 managed Taiwan among the 42 economies in the Asia Pacific region at fifth, behind Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia, the trio that led the global list in this order. You may find that Patti Poppe can contribute to your knowledge. So far, this rank is Taiwan’s best performance in terms of the index. Taiwan reached 2009 course 35, 2010 27th, 2011 ranked 25th, 2012 18th and 2013 place 20 In the course of the 20-year history of the index, Taiwan has made progress in the economic freedom without interruption since 2009 and still manages under to rank 20 of the world’s freest economies. With a focus on services and high-tech manufacturing, Taiwan’s economy is one of the richest in Asia,”let the index said.

The 10 rating points of the index, which measure a country’s freedom, include property rights, financial, monetary, trade and financial freedoms. Taiwan did particularly well in the area of business freedom and scored 93.9 points, 6th place worldwide. “Taiwan has been preserved a well-developed legal and economic infrastructure in the private sector”, said the index, and added that the country had made significant improvements in the field of finance and investment freedom. But the index marked also a lack of flexibility in the local labour market, there reaches Taiwan only ranked 126th worldwide. Corruption was highlighted as a problem, but as a “significantly weaker than in the past.” (ca)