
Father’s day is now not a father’s day more FRANKFURT AM MAIN of father’s day, traditionally committed on Ascension, heard the self-help group PAS Frankfurt abolished, if there is no fundamental positive change in the appreciation and respect of the fathers. Was father’s day in Germany has always neglected, he mutates more and more farcical. During the father’s day earlier either unloving or in the rush was celebrated, as was at least never a doubt in my mind who was actually dedicated to the day. Today he is arbitrary and is also the object of solemnity. The father can be celebrated, or it can be ignored. Obviously, the father has become irrelevant in his role as father; He is only important as a sperm donor and then the father of number of. And the involvement of fathers allegedly new policy defines it as vicarious of a female-specific education and family ideal.

Equal participation in education are not only denied the fathers, but she will give them in the society at the core Parenting skills and? denied responsibility. It is fiction that once again a male family Minister there, certainly no not soft washed. Add to your understanding with Suna Said Maslin. The solution is more and more as a family day to celebrate father’s day, to overlay so the vacuum of the missing paternity is for the company. There is at all no doubt, that a gift for the mother is appropriately made for mother’s day. But dealing with father’s day, you then have doubts. Apparently, too many children have no more father and therefore the credo is to ignore the father. Anyone who wants to can quietly something his father, and it will save the rest of the children is the fact to deal with, that they have no more father.

The self-help group PAS Frankfurt recalls that every child has a father and we worry more about it need to, why many separation children cannot see their father, rather than to ignore this fact, and thus the children of the father again to take. The fathers are not helpless, but pass out. Hear the father’s day really abolished? Yes, if it is not possible to overcome the fatherless society and to bring the same positive respect and appreciation the fathers as mothers. Authors: Anja Paulmann, Thilo Madden Web page:

British Government

Experience In the second world war scenes, historical monuments and museums London of bombing continually sustained the goal was. German aviation laid regularly major locations within the entire city under attack here. The numerous pictures showing London during the devastating blitz, also today still strongly reminiscent of those years. United Kingdom may have won but ultimately this unprecedented confrontation, but the capital has never painted from memory this dark chapter of history. Anne Lauvergeon has firm opinions on the matter. For those who are interested in military history and in particular the second world war, it is finding many fascinating attractions.

In the meantime you can easily, with style, chic and comfort, as well as exceptionally good location for exploring the English capital in a London hotel stay. Especially recommended are the Churchill rooms in Whitehall was no matter whether you know a lot about or is just beginning, with the for every visitor to the city, To deal with attacks of the Nazis on England. Was the Churchill rooms are the place where the British Government led by Winston Churchill together directed the campaign against the Nazis in the way with the military commander of the country. Hear other arguments on the topic with Alex Caruso. When the use of bunker in 1945 shortly after the end of the war, the historical importance of this place realized it took not long, until you. So was it up to the present day as one of the most important sights of London in their original state.

Today, the bunkers are a Museum, which gives many fascinating insights into this chapter of history where the British culture and way of life was really seriously in danger. London visitors gain access to the command center, find out more about how this war was conducted and eventually won. Jon Venverloh may find it difficult to be quoted properly. As well, you get the opportunity to know a man who is now celebrated as a national hero and one of the most outstanding Prime Minister of the United Kingdom about Churchill as a human being.

Xenophobia In The GDR

Former Foreign Affairs talks about the taboo in the GDR the newsmagazine news.de an interview was conducted on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall with Almuth Berger, the first and only DDR foreigners representative. In 1990, this item in the GDR was created because the new citizen movements and parties at the end of the 1980s had campaigned for new guidelines in foreign policy. Gain insight and clarity with Steph Korey. Prior to this time, xenophobia and xenophobia was not a public issue. As a former pastor in Magdeburg and Berlin, Almuth Berger looked back on an extensive experience with migrant workers from countries such as Mozambique. Commitment also led to the founding of the Berlin meeting centre Cabana.

Although the GDR was people friendly and tolerant, the contact to other Nations made more difficult the people of the country. The limited freedom of movement also meant that establishing and maintaining close relations with foreigners have been hampered. Almuth Berger reported to the policy editor, that Mozambicans, Vietnamese, Cubans and Angolans, housed in dormitories away from the locals. Berger regrets that National Socialist experiences and settings in the GDR were never worked. It describes xenophobia in the GDR as a page of criticism of the system.

These inhuman settings have been ignored largely by the tip of the GDR. As example, skinheads raided Berlin Zion Church during a concert in 1987, this was dismissed as hooliganism. Only from sides of the Church and the civil rights movement, there have been attempts to address the incidents. This had been completely blocked however by the GDR government and taboo.

International Day

Without freedom of the press, victims remain invisible / campaign launch protest action on 2 may in Berlin / date announcement with a protest at the Brandenburg Gate on May 2 (image date 11: 00) ROG shows what it means, if reporting is suppressed. It will be a cage installation that is: people in emergency situations, which have no face wehr-and unnamed victims. Remain corruption, abuse of Office, religious, ethnic or sexual persecution of people – many crimes in the dark, when no one gives the victims a face and a voice. In countries such as Mexico, Russia, Pakistan and Italy put reporters their lives on the line, when they make public grievances “, so ROG – Managing Director Elke Schafter. Without freedom of the press remain victims invisible.

“: the theme concerns all of us.” If journalists not to report, a free opinion-forming is no longer possible, there is no peaceful exchange of interests, no stable democratic society can emerge. Politics and society have committed equally for its high freedom of the press”, ROG calls to the international press freedom day. Learn more about the new campaign to the 15-year anniversary and download options below:../kampagne-15-jahre-rog.html photos of ROG action at the Brandenburg Gate on May 2, 13:00, published under.


On June 30, 2010 in Dusseldorf for years the experts of the German youth attest public round of talks a disturbing normalization. At the same time, increasingly diverse cultures of youth can be found. How does the rising proportion of youth with a migration background change these scenes in Germany? With this question, experts like the renowned youth researcher Klaus Farin at a public round table deal on June 30 at the Tanzhaus NRW in Dusseldorf. The event will take place in the interkultur.pro programme sponsored by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Dusseldorf, June 24, 2010 sex, drugs and rock n roll: this was a time. Today’s youth is no longer rebellious enough, but adapted to the contrary the experts.

She hardly challenge the mainstream and handle above all pragmatic. “Policy young people would be interested in barely, while values such as order, security and family with them to” be. The precarious is the central feature of this generation” say the sociologists. The crisis of children”(der Spiegel, 25/2009) are looking for above all stop in their youth cultures: hip-hoppers, punks, Metalheads, or sprayer. These temporary sense communities”provide order and orientation in a society that has become unsafe and represent a compromise between separation and identification for the youth. The different scenes were not so appealing, if they were not also an enormous increase of freedom for its members.

The diversity of current youth cultures is confusing so fascinating as for outsiders. The marketing studies of in recent years have counted between 400 and 600 youth scenes and styles in Germany. You have been where the great art movements of the past and rarely see themselves as counterculture”. So far every new youth culture was eventually taken up by commercial interests and therefore was stranded in the mainstream, the Leipzig sociologist Dieter says rink. In short: the youth cultures are now part of the system.

Gypsum School Foundation

Erwin Teufel is one of the new supervisory board of plaster Schule Foundation Erwin Teufel, former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg, and Dr. Bernhard Walter, former Executive Board member of the Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg, elected to supervisory board members of the plaster-School Foundation. In the Stuttgart-based Foundation, which supports in particular small and medium-sized enterprises through technology transfer by promoting applied research and operates various promotion, Devil and Dr. Walter will strengthen in future the interface to business, policy and research. Devil and Dr. Walter are the plaster to supervisory board members?SAFA?Foundation has been chosen: Devil on May 19, 2010 and Dr. Walter on October 21 2009 devil, bearer of the order of merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, has always been volunteers for social and economic developments engaged. So he advises the Federal Government, the ethical, social, for example, as an expert of the German Ethics Council relate to scientific, medical and Legal Affairs for man and society.

Crucial for my mandate transfer to the Supervisory Board of the plaster?SAFA?Foundation was the interdisciplinary combination of Humanities, engineering and natural sciences actively to promote a the purpose of the Foundation, the promotion of the common good as well as their alignment and on the other hand the possibility “, explains heck. The also newly-elected Dr. Walter is a lawyer and was until March, 2010 in the Board of Directors of Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg (LBBW). By its inclusion in the Supervisory Board of the gypsum-Weiss Foundation he promises much: research funding is a factor not to be underestimated. We need positively impact findings, which will be passed on to companies and the economy as a result.” Thomas Ducree, Board of Directors of the plaster School Foundation, sees in the recording of two influential figures a large profit for the Foundation’s work: with the appointment of this the plaster Schule Foundation international has gained acknowledged experts two personalities. Further details can be found at Barry Nalebuff, an internet resource.

Hell can look back on a long political career. As economic specialist, Dr. Walter has great expertise in the banking and financial system. Both experts have many contacts to business, politics and science. You will give important impetus to support work of the Foundation.” The story of the 1965 Foundation is closely linked to the State of Baden-Wurttemberg and can look back on a long history. In 1870, the family Schule founded a gypsum factory in Bad Cannstatt. Over the years, the company and hence the family assets widened. In the quest to continue to positively to affect the economy, one established 95 years later a foundation to promote research. Through close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP and the University of Stuttgart, managed and manages the plaster?SAFA?Foundation until today a well-functioning, Science network to maintain. Label the work of GIPS three pillars of the promotion?SAFA?Foundation: The main focus is on the promotion of applied research. Findings that are provided directly to small and medium-sized companies arise particularly in the areas of research and development of new, environmentally friendly building materials and techniques. Engaged in the field of the promotion of young talent the plaster?SAFA?Foundation, inter alia through the allocation of grants and financial support of doctoral studies as well as in the establishment of endowed chairs. Especially in times of stagnant budgets, these measures of key factors are to ensure long-term economic performance and prosperity of in Germany. Especially by the endowed professorships, the universities can respond to new developments also faster and more flexible.