
When it becomes clear, it is also clear that we all knocked on the temple walls of the provisions have a common foundation, the foundation on which these provisions based. Thus, it turns out, the temple of Apollo on the whole was a huge Tablet stone book of wisdom, showing what is the basis knowledge, the need is indicated on the front of it. And, therefore, builders of the church knew exactly what in general is a man, and knew that this could never understand those who do not understand the basis from which this knowledge flows. A related site: Keith Yamashita mentions similar findings. So William Shakespeare should have understood that his predecessors who were Homer and Vakhilid did not show his knowledge that in general there is a person, not because they did not have this knowledge, but only because they realized the futility of his remarks to people still do not understand the basis upon which this knowledge based. But all this does not diminish the importance and greatness of the way done by Shakespeare in this way, as it is described, and the builders of the temple at Delphi.

In the works of Shakespeare, this path is marked very clearly and detail. Unfortunately, this is what there is to become known to the author of the thumbnail works Imadeddin Nasimi (1370-1417). And it is quite small seems likely that in the future will become clearer sense of the words Mansour Hallaj (858-922 AD), which leads Nasimi in the following poem. Wastelands of oblivion was the holy spirit to light phenomena: the unspeakable melting in the radiance of clear meth is revealed! Star of Truth rose in minute spangles of life, and light it mastered evil – was warm sun, a phenomenon.