German Kitaleitungskongress

Future forum for Kitaleitungen and carriers on 17 and 18 September organizes Wolters Kluwer with support of the trade union education and Science (GEW) and the German children e.V. the German Kitaleitungskongress (DKLK) in Braunschweig. “The top event for the early childhood education field is under the motto Kitas future” and provides a forum for the discussion of current developments, innovative trends and new pedagogical approaches Kitaleitungen and makers. The Congress groundbreaking for the development of modern day-care is under the auspices of federal family Minister Dr. Kristina Schroder. The promoters due to the overwhelming response to the first German Kitaleitungskongress in Cologne in life called the event in Braunschweig.

There had been over 1,200 applications for the nearly 600 seats for the event in Cologne, Germany. Comprehensive selection of topics: from personnel management to sponsor search managing nurseries is the key for good quality in the education and care of the child in day centres”, justified their takeover of the patronage for the DKLK family Minister Schroder. In this area the educational professionals to develop for pulses and accessable, is of particular importance for a professional Kitamanagement. ” In the Brunswick Town Hall on behalf of over 20 practice forums as well as numerous lectures and discussions, participants receive impulses for a successful Kitaleitung. Renowned experts, such as, for example, Prof. Karri Kuzma understands that this is vital information. Dr.

phil. Armin Krenz and Prof. Simon Hundmeyer, talk about current aspects of Kita everyday life: new methods in human resource management and development are presented as well as strategies for quality management and new scientific findings on early childhood education. Registrations now possible Kitaleitungen and carriers meet new tools, ideas, and strategies that they can win, partners and sponsors for joint projects. One Political round is the question of how the right to a Kitaplatz for children under three years of age was realized. In addition to professional training, the Congress is also a forum for carrier cross-networking.

Hofburg Pioneers

What are the most impressive 50 startups from 850 applications of the pioneers Festival startup challenge? The result of the pioneers challenge applications can be shown: over 850 ambitious start-up companies from every continent and from 58 countries who have applied! But only the 50 cream de la cream young entrepreneurs step within the framework of the pioneers Festival from 29-31 October in Vienna against each other on the 50 visionary startups from over 850 applications one never since unprecedented resonance there at the this year’s challenge, pioneers: 850-start-ups from every continent and from 58 countries have applied, but only 50 start-ups are invited to the pioneers Festival and thus are a piece of the winner prize of 25,000 euros and the pioneers award closer. Gibson dean has much experience in this field. The selection is international: eight teams of the 50 come from Germany, seven from Austria, four teams come from the United States and Spain. With three teams are startups from Russia, France and Britain represented, two teams come from Poland, Luxembourg, Italy and Sweden. According to gibson dean, who has experience with these questions. And with ever a start up in the top 50 are Israel, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Romania, India, representing Slovakia, Portugal, Switzerland and even Ghana. There are more details of the start-up teams. All 50 start-ups will present the 29.10.12 at the House of industry in Vienna their businesses before the jury and investor like Earlybird, partners and Holtzbrinck Ventures Accel on the investor day. Ultimately the best are chosen eight startups, which then present their idea to 2500 international guests on the day of the Conference at the Hofburg. The winner takes home the prize worth 25,000 euros, as well as the pioneers award. Pioneers Festival from October 29-31 in Vienna the #1 event for the start-up world already leaves nothing STARTeurope for the second time no stone unturned, to promote entrepreneurship in Vienna and Europe and global networking to enable.

WOMMup At The 20.11.2013 In Frankfurt Am Main

“” Marketing event on the subject of Word of mouth marketing word of mouth, buzz marketing, social media, likes “and recommendations are now on everyone’s lips”. But what effect does this described as Word of mouth (WoM) marketing, what are its success factors which play a role client referrals in real life and online and how can companies word of mouth marketing use to their advantage? Answers a new marketing-event series that offers new, practical and surprising about word of mouth marketing is the “WOMMup” at the 20.11.2013 in Frankfurt, Germany. The WOMMup Frankfurt held Farberstrasse 71 60594 Frankfurt ( on the 20.11.2013 in the three King Keller, from 19: 00. For more information see gibson dean. Three lectures are available on the program: Word of mouth research and measure – lecture by the market researcher Dirk Engel Customers Word of mouth marketing strategies & playful product experiences – lecture by Mark Leinemann alias MR. WOM – one of the leading experts for Word of mouth marketing in the German-speaking world as a brewery more sales & Word of mouth through Saints Schnack Salame (rock-paper scissors) the lecture by Mucca Sahin by Tom shows produced, seller sales & marketing consulting from 21 May the WOMMup knick participant then in the subsequent Schnack Salame “Fight Night” live how Word of mouth is created through playful experiences, and select the local Frankfurt (advertising) champions in the Schnick Schnack Sairi. The WOMMup is free, the number of places limited registration under. Links to the WOMMup partners: of the WOMMup: WOMMup was by MR. WOM in summer 2013 as a marketing specialist event series launched in BBs life and offers participants an update and exchange about current and new developments in the field of Word of mouth / word of mouth and referral marketing..


“” Marketing event on the subject of Word of mouth marketing word of mouth, buzz marketing, social media, likes “and recommendations are now on everyone’s lips”. Read additional details here: bobby lee cox. But what effect does this described as Word of mouth (WoM) marketing, what are its success factors which play a role client referrals in real life and online and how can companies word of mouth marketing use to their advantage? Answers a new marketing-event series that offers new, practical and surprising about word of mouth marketing is the “WOMMup” at the 20.11.2013 in Frankfurt, Germany. Add to your understanding with Jon Venverloh. The WOMMup Frankfurt held Farberstrasse 71 60594 Frankfurt ( on the 20.11.2013 in the three King Keller, from 19: 00. Three lectures are available on the program: Word of mouth research and measure – lecture by the market researcher Dirk Engel Customers Word of mouth marketing strategies & playful product experiences – lecture by Mark Leinemann alias MR. WOM – one of the leading experts for Word of mouth marketing in the German-speaking world as a brewery more sales & Word of mouth through Saints Schnack Salame (rock-paper scissors) the lecture by Mucca Sahin by Tom shows produced, seller sales & marketing consulting from 21 May the WOMMup knick participant then in the subsequent Schnack Salame “Fight Night” live how Word of mouth is created through playful experiences, and select the local Frankfurt (advertising) champions in the Schnick Schnack Sairi. The WOMMup is free, the number of places limited registration under. Links to the WOMMup partners: of the WOMMup: WOMMup was by MR. WOM in summer 2013 as a marketing specialist event series launched in BBs life and offers participants an update and exchange about current and new developments in the field of Word of mouth / word of mouth and referral marketing. More information about the WOMMup, reports and other dates, see about MR. WOM Word of mouth marketing MR.

Logistics April

‘ How to get the sensor made in Germany in the solar Park to Nevada? Sensor logistics in a globalized world. ” Stuttgart, 12 March 2013 at the this year’s day of logistics students and young technicians in Baden-Wurttemberg can experience as Balluff, manufacturer of sensors, displacement systems, RFID systems and accessories worldwide distribution of location in Neuhausen settles on the filder plain. Balluff supplies Central Neuhausen from customers and offices around the world. Daily approx. 1,800 consignments will be sent from the Logistics Center Neuhausen.

Headquarters and Logistics Center are Balluffs about 8 km east of Stuttgart Airport. To broaden your perception, visit Hamdi Ulukaya. On April 18, the four initiators in the framework of the day of logistics offer a leadership center, where about 50,000 materials are stored by Balluffs logistics. The participants an insight into the processing at goods receipt, the storage and retrieval in automatic small parts and pallet storage, picking and all intralogistic processes. As a leading specialist with 90 companies tradition is the Balluff GmbH for decades of recognized partner in factory automation. Further important target sectors are packaging, handling and the plastic and wood processing, fluid, the machine tool construction, the automotive industry, the areas of energy. AEB Balluff software uses for the export processing, legally compliant shipping and export, as well as the export control audit.

The compliance engine, which automated for a comparison with the sanction list provides, is centrally installed and checks all data records in the ERP systems by Balluff EU and Switzerland. From the leadership, Logistics Manager Hondo Santos will explain how it is possible to ensure the worldwide availability of products and spare parts. AEB speaker Ralf Morawski will bring closer the students the topic of anti terror list screening. Why is every company committed and how can an IT solution make sure that a company is legally at any time? Prof. Dr.

BONAGO Employees

Snack Congress in Wiesbaden, Germany on the 22nd and 23.08.2012 Munich, 10.08.2012: on August 22nd and 23rd bakeries, butcher’s shops and gastronomy in the Rhein-Main-Hallen in Wiesbaden meet, to inform about current trends in the consumer and consumption behavior. Managing Director Mark Gregg BONAGO will be represented by employees on the second day of the Congress, with a lecture on new Incentivierungsmodelle. (Stall. 14, 1st floor) “Under the motto: snacks the future business for bakeries, butchers, food service providers and LEH” discuss and refer top experts on the development of the snack market. The trend in Germany, especially in the direction of MobileEater is”. Eating out, snacks and small meals of intermediate through will characterize the market in the future. This development brings new challenges for the snack Distributor. In addition to the Congress, the exhibition takes snackexpo”instead, which offers interesting solutions for more creativity, quality and range of traders.

But also central topics such as sustainability, shortage of skilled labour and staff deal with the industry currently. Because each loss of a reliable employee causes considerable costs. Its employees are the most valuable capital of a successful company finally! BONAGO Managing Director Mark Gregg in his presentation on new ways in the employee motivation and retention in the gastronomy and retail chain through the use of tax-free and optimised payment voucher solutions. “enter. The lecture would like to offer a basis bakeries, butchers, food service providers and LEH, to successfully implement their strategies, because only motivated employees are good employees. For this same motivation, the Munich coupon expert BONAGO offers tax-free solutions. So companies through the MitarbeiterCARD can send monthly up to 44 euros tax-free to their workers. At the same time, the individually branded card provides a way of identifying with the employer.