
Especially need to pay attention to the question of entry into the state. It is necessary that the person legally hit the state. Illegal entry is theoretically possible, however, due to tighter admission control, do it in practice is difficult. Yes, and the interview will have to articulate a lot of detail, strongly influencing the posing on the process. One of the important details that require your attention – would have to be made in the first democratic state, which lies in the way of refugees.

Ie if the goal – France or Spain, and refugees from Tajikistan, it will have to get on the plane, rather than by train or bus. In addition, the cast will have at the airport, but not in the transit zone, because then go further "on stage." Transit area is not considered a territory state. Naturally, the person may file in the city, if the break in time between flights (change from one plane to another) more than 8 hours for him to book a hotel. Interview with candidate for the status The procedure of refugee interviews in each state differs in timing and in content. However, when considered as a whole, it is standard.

After the application for asylum applicant and his family members receive the relevant application forms which they must complete. After that, they have fingerprints. Usually, after the complainant and his family are a medical examination. Throughout the duration of the application, candidates refugee status living in a hotel. Usually, this term does not exceed 1 month.