The Prescribed

The collective label can be produced in different sizes of rollers and donated to every common labelling system or by hand. Almost like a genie know you Jeannie, the lovely Genie? Once wink with the eye and all wishes come true, works for the packaging and labelling of bottles, ampoules and other round containers unfortunately not so simple. The labels specialist Labelprint24 as a practical Jeannie “developed, their packaging problem easy way way releases and is absolutely cost effective as all labels Labelprint24 solutions: the harder-wrap label. Where just with the whole text? The smaller the round product packaging is, the greater the challenge to accommodate all the required information on the label. This is the case with the prescribed by law, for example in bottle manufacturing Declaration rules must be attached to the product. In this case, changing labels create the perfect remedy: they are specially made for cylindrical fabric and round packaging, so that all the important information on the wrap label and the product can be recognized.

The wrap label is wrapped several times around the Rundgebinde and creates enough space for statutory labelling requirements, application instructions, or multilingual product information. It consists of paper or foil and can be fixed directly on the product. Optionally provides a transparent laminate before ripping, humidity and other external influences. Digital the same rational the harder-wrap label is slightly open, roll out, recap and is mechanically spendbar. In execution, size, and color, the label is designed individually on request. The redesigned label is more cost effective than conventional wrap labels because it is produced in a superb print quality in 100 percent digital printing. Digital print quality of latest generation is indistinguishable from an offset solution. The special advantage of digital printing are simple personalization and the unbeatable cost advantages of UV-inkjet technology. The round surface of the information, packaging and the package leaflet are superfluous.