Treasure Hunting – Business ?

Our country is rich in a variety of resources – oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds. But apart from that good, we have large reserves that we rarely taken seriously. This is a hidden underground or underwater treasures in including the treasures. But if someone is lost or hidden by centuries of any kind, someone can get them. Industry concentration should not think that the idea of searching only kladovoderzhimy heroes adventure novels and movies.

On Indeed, by some estimates now lies under water for more than three million vehicles, many of which are literally packed with gold, such as those that sank on its way from America to Europe at the time of the Conquest. A lot of poses and the earth. Treasure hunting in the West has long become a profitable business. Enough to read the international news in recent years to provide not only the scope of search activities, but also the economic benefit from them: 'On Robinson Crusoe Island, in the group of islands belonging to Chile, Juan Fernandez at a depth of 15 m was found buried treasure worth $ 10 billion – says Guardian .- said Fernando Uribe-Etkseverria, lawyer of private Chilean company Wagner, which leads search, it is the biggest treasure in history. Searchers report that found about 600 barrels of gold coins and jewels of the Incas … " 'The Atlantic found the largest in the history of mankind underwater treasure. American company specializing in search of sunken ships, ancient galleon found on board which holds up to 500 thousand ancient coins of gold and silver.