Advisory Board Electronic

Objective of the Working Group is the dissemination of electronic transactions in Berlin 09.06.2010: digitisation has already since many years feeding in the judiciary. Administrative procedures for managing the files and to the support of legal and judicial activities are impossible to imagine from the everyday life of a lawyer. Also the possibility of electronic communication with the courts is made in the last few years and almost nationwide available. The expected added value and the benefits of a paperless handling of files through have not materialized but so far starting position. Background for the development process in stalled is that the increasing digitization not only forces the judiciary and Prosecutor’s Office to reconsider traditional procedures and to redesign, it raises a variety of technical and therefore correlated legal issues affecting sometimes the self understanding of the judiciary as the third power and judicial independence. Objective of the E-justice working group composed of representatives of the Justice, to analyse one of the problem areas resulting from the digitization process of the Prosecutor’s Office and employees of solution providers and IT services providers, which themselves have made it to the target, and to develop joint solution proposals. So the Working Group engaged in, for example, the field of tension between judicial independence and the trend toward standardization and centralization of IT applications, as well as with innovative ideas for furnishing courtrooms.

Activities of these and other topics are also the content of the meetings of the Advisory Board, which is convened to design the held each year during the Xinnovations Conference E-justice forum and consists of members of the Working Group and other experts of the practice and the science. In addition, the working group information sessions organized to promote the dissemination of electronic transactions. Spokesman of the Working Party as speaker of the Working Group could win the Board of Directors of the Xinnovations e.V. Mr Ulrich Schwenkert. Mr. Schwenkert took his 1993 judicial activity at the Finanzgericht of des Landes Brandenburg, was responsible for the introduction of electronic transactions with the Finanzgericht of des Landes Brandenburg in 1999 at the same time and is now presiding judge at the Finanzgericht Berlin-Brandenburg. Also is a member of the Joint Commission of electronic justice”Ulrich Schwenkert. Profile Xinnovations e.V.

The Xinnovations e. V. competence network for network-based information technologies. He is an Association of people from industry, science, public and parastatal institutions which are active in the field of Internet-based economic and communication processes. The result is the Association in connection with a promotion of the research of the Federal Ministry for education and research. The goal of the Association is sustainable, supra-regional networking of economy, science, management and policy to create new alliances for technological and social innovation and initiate collaborative projects. To the networking of the members of the association with the actors from the areas listed above to promote, virtual forums, workshops and round tables are organized. Also assumes the Association project funds for collaborative projects, acquires funding, initiates and manages marketing and sales projects, operates an active press and public relations and tracking technology trends for its members. In the Centre of the activities of the Association, the focus of the Conference is “Xinnovations – better by networking” as permanent innovation Forum, which takes place once a year at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and continues in real and virtual forums.