
Four lawyers have joined the name bird & partners in the technology park in Karlsruhe under names to a firm. Quick and competent advice in all aspects of IT law, this is the credo of the newly founded law firm Bird & partners. Karlsruhe, recognisable on the selected seat in the technology park the target group: medium-sized and large IT companies, who need proven expertise for their often specific legal issues. The lawyers are mainly specialized in IT law and have other priorities in the areas of healthcare, copyright and intellectual property law as well as labour and company law. The team around Prof.

Dr. Rupert Vogel overwhelmingly comes from the firm known also nationally for their expertise in the IT law Bartsch and partner, which is dissolved June 2011. The firm range mobile apps and agile project management classic software copyright and privacy legal issues to the full compliance of IT and telecommunications. The firm advises mainly medium-sized Companies of the IT, media, and healthcare. In Franco-german legal relations she cooperated with the renowned law firm Alexandre Levy, Kahn from Strasbourg and questions of patent law and the intellectual property law of software patents, Stuttgart specialized patent attorneys Hall.

Together with the law firm Bird & partner, the Germans also has Association for law and computer science (DGRI) E.v., whose managing director Prof. Dr. Vogel, now is their new home in the Karlsruhe technology park. Prof. Dr. Rupert Vogel’s founding team is by Alexander Wiele, Uwe k. Schneider and Dr. Oliver Meyer-van Raay completes. Reach the firm Bird & partners, under the phone number: 0721 / 78 20 27 0 or at the following E-Mail address: info(a)vogel-partner.