Business Tourism

If you mention the terms of business tourism and corporate tourism of some twenty or thirty years ago, the caller will not be able to understand what is at stake. The concepts of business and corporate tourism have appeared in connection with globalizing world economy. In the developed foreign countries is what happened in the 70 years 80hh XXgo century, but in Russia on business travel began to speak only in the early 90s. It was at this time, Russian companies were able to enter the global level. Tour operators have realized that business tourism – it's not just one aspect of an individual tourist, but a separate niche tourist business, now what is called a horse.

Today's managers do not have to to worry about organizing a business trip. Business Travel Professionals "turnkey" program are foreign travel, take care of all organizational matters, help with unforeseen situations. It should be noted that now the seminars, exhibitions and business meetings do not always take place in the near and dear to European countries. Latin America and Africa confident pace infused into the world economy and offer economically developed countries, many interesting things. For the head of business tourism in such distant countries may be associated with additional problems. Ignorance of local culture, language, traditions and business etiquette can put the head in an awkward position.

For a business meeting is in principle unacceptable. People who go abroad on business, do not want to feel uncomfortable. Decisions in this area are often taken in Depending on how confident is the head, as he puts himself and defends the interests of both their company.