Change Management Conference

Managers and change experts discuss a change-management Congress about how companies can increase their innovation and ability to change. “Lean and innovation as a factor of organizational change” is the title of a forum, which carries out the management school IAE d’Aix en-Provence with K & P France Conseil, the French subsidiary of the consultancy of Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal (D), on the 8th of June in the Southern French city of Aix-en-Provence. During the one-day Congress, company representatives are debating with scientists and change management experts about how companies can cope with the enormous need for change, before they are due to the developments in their environment. In the morning including Dr. Georg Kraus holds a presentation on the topic of the ambiguous organization”.

It explains the founder of the consultancy of Dr. Kraus & partner, which new settings, behaviors and structures companies need today to the partly conflicting challenges to overcome, facing them. “” Also Cajetan of Mentzingen sets, head of lean management at the EADS subsidiary Eurocopter s.a.s, in his presentation of cultural change: the key factor for success in lean transformations “, which changes the corporate culture are necessary to streamline the structures and processes”, that companies can react quickly to new requirements. With more fundamental questions Francois Dupuy deals change in its talk of the unavoidable”. The academic Director of the European Centre for Executive Development (CEDEP) at INSEAD campus from a sociological perspective of the question is, why change for the survival of people and organizations are not only inevitable but crucial for survival. In a panel discussion the participants then discuss to what extent the hypotheses formulated in the lectures cover with their experiences, and what follows for the company. In the afternoon, several parallel workshops are available to the Topics corporate governance, change management, and lean management in the program.

This practice-oriented working groups can either visit the participants. “Then merge the results of the Forum event in one of Remi Denoix, Managing Director of K & P France Conseil, moderated roundtable discussion, before finally Carolina Serrano, which one of the IAE Aix Graduate School of management Professor of organizational behavior” has, the Congress concludes. On the eve of the Congress, the german French Economic Club of Provence (CAFAP) also organises a come-together dinner for the participants in Aix-en-Provence, which serves among other things the knowledge and networking. The participation at the Congress on the IAE AIX euros campus in Aix-en-Provence for individuals 49. Participants from the same company charged together 89 euro regardless of their number. The language of the Congress is English. The registration is done via the Congress website There is interested in further information about the Congress.