Controversial Move

My books suggest that sometimes there are situations, especially in boats against several players, where you should delay your climb with a good hand. The idea is that keeping the pot small and hiding your hand, you have someone bet on the next street, letting it go now. (Sometimes the situation is that you bet, and another will rise.) Found criticism that recommendation because it does not take the opportunity to extract maximum value from worse hands. Critics say it is better to climb on the streets first and then the following bet. It is beyond question that is often the best alternative. It depends on the exact situation. But we think our play has a higher EV in more situations than most people realize.

Fortunately, the reader can see that the debate around the fact that our play makes less money when you win, but win jackpots more often. Is it profitable to give up profits to increase chances of winning? This is usually a very complicated question. What I do here is to propose a very simple model that corresponds to the situation even approximate. Imagine that the bet is $ 100 and have a hand that has a 60% chance of defeating the two rivals. The first opponent passes, the next bet and I turn comes. If you upload, both will pay. In the next street you will return to bet and be paid for both. So after the first two streets, each one of you will have put $ 300 into the pot (assuming you do not put anything before).