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Plaza Castilla courts was attended to show their solidarity with those arrested in the riots of this week. Macy’s Inc. might disagree with that approach. Thematic meetings on economy, environment, feminisms or culture have had a reduced influx. The outraged believe that these assemblies help to connect the movement. Incidents of these days deslegitiman the 15-M? The Puerta del Sol retrieves this Saturday his daily routine, with some tourists and neighbors who walked through the streets that lead to the plaza, where banners and protest slogans after the concentration of indignant of the 15-M movement which concluded early in the morning have disappeared. Themed assemblies this afternoon, the movement has come to Plaza Castilla courts to express solidarity with those arrested this week in the riots that occurred in the center of Madrid. Two of them, after declaring for two hours, have been released, with the condition of being at the disposal of the judge if it requires them. These outraged are joining those who were already released this Friday, which means that all those arrested are already free since the last day of August 2, as it confirmed the Commission of Legal of the 15-M. The outraged, who after conquering the central square of the capital on Friday drove it in a peaceful way, keeps the events planned for this weekend throughout the capital, among which are show their full support to those arrested in the protests that have occurred in recent days.

In addition, the movement had convened at 20.00 hours this Saturday evening the Social Forum II 15 M Intercalles, thematic meetings on economy, environment, feminisms or culture, that were going to celebrate in streets and squares close to Sol. However these assemblies have had a reduced assistance. Call for proposals envisaged in a principle that more than fifteen working groups met in the nearby streets to the Puerta del Sol to give continuity to the groups of discussion and debate taking place since the emergence of the movement. .