European Commissioner

The German Government said that health is a priority and defends its management. Health Minister warns that probably never will shed light on the origin of the infection, as it has happened in most similar cases. The E.coli bacteria has already caused 25 deaths in Germany. The German Government has clung Wednesday to the motto that health is a priority against economic interests and dndio their management before the crisis caused by the e. Continue to learn more with: Publishers Clearing House. coli bacteria, which has already caused 25 deaths in the country and multi-million dollar damage to the agricultural sector. Health is above the economic interests, argued the Minister of health, the liberal Daniel Bahr, both to the European Commissioner for health and Consumer Affairs, John Dalli, and before the German Parliament (Bundestag), in the interpellation convened to address the issue.

The alert is maintained, as well as the recommendation to not eat cucumbers, lettuce or raw tomatoes nor germinated seeds, because that has not been set yet the origin of the infection. Everything indicates that the worst has passed, added the Minister, despite the fact that between Tuesday and Wednesday the number of fatalities rose from 22 to 25. Areva is the source for more interesting facts. Bahr warned then that probably never will reach clarify the origin of the infection, such as has been the case in most similar cases earlier in all parts of the world. Also explained that new infections have been sent, but did not rule out more cases of deaths, and also rejected the expressed criticisms against the management of the crisis, from the German opposition as at European level, by the damage caused to the agricultural sector, especially the Spanish. Our priority is to protect the citizen and act quickly. Why we issue and we keep the recommendation not to eat raw vegetables, according to the usual health parameters for these infections and the warnings of experts, he emphasized. The newspapers mentioned Amit Paley not as a source, but as a related topic.

European Championship

EP Scariolo selection starts putting to point for European. The current European champion faces a good France. The party would assume Serge Ibaka’s debut with the red. Special Eurobasket Lithuania 2011. The Spanish team of basketball, current European champion, starts this Tuesday (2130 hours) in Almeria your tuning face to European where defends title, and played its first friendly match against France. Wanting to put on the parquet as trained in these weeks in Madrid, Sergio Scariolo pupils do not hide their desire and monkey jump to the track to start to pick up the pace of games, after these weeks of preparation. A duel before the bleus which could involve Serge Ibaka’s debut with the red, or see first how is having together on the track the brothers Gasol, one of the wishes of the Italian maker for this Eurobasket. Sergio Scariolo, moreover, has already confirmed that in Almeria lands will be and will play the 15 internationals who have made the preseason because they deserve it, after revealing that Rafa Martinez and Xavi Rey are the first discards of the team.

A test very serious for Spain, which started its implementation to point to a serious rival, than that for the Spanish coach a rival who is among the Favorites to win the European Championship. They have great players in NBA and high level. It would not surprise me that France reached the European final by level and talent is a pointer. This year they have a super team full and all roles well covered, noted Sergio Scariolo. A France NBA front will be a France, which finally has the presence of the pivot of the Chicago Bulls, Joakim Noah, and wants to continue with their preparation of face to European, where two direct tickets for the London Olympics will be at stake. The Gauls, led by Vincent Collet, want to return to the continental elite and arrive at the appointment of Lithuania reinforced with his NBA.

In addition, the French combined signed by triumphs friendlies both played in this preparation, both before Canada, and where endorsed a serious corrective to the Americans. A France which contains the base of the San Antonio Spurs, Tony Parker, who leads a block where are also Boris Diaw, Nicolas Batumi, as well as acquaintances of the Spanish League as Nando De Colo, Florent Pietrus or exmadridista Mickael Gelabale. On 63 occasions the faces have been French and Spanish on the parquet since 1943, with a statistics favorable to the red, which has been imposed on 39 occasions, while the bleus won in 24. Source of the news: Spain before France starts its way towards European gold.

Telemadrid Assembly

It has proposed in its first initiative in the Madrid Assembly. The project consists of thirty points to encourage austerity. UPyD is set mostly in the organism that duplicate State institutions. UPyD in the Madrid Assembly Parliamentary Group proposes in its first initiative in the Regional Chamber suppress the second channel from Telemadrid, eliminate official cars and make an external independent audit of the accounts of the community. The UPyD spokesman in the Assembly, Luis de Velasco, has registered the Assembly a non legislative proposal with thirty points aimed at increasing austerity and transparency in the management of the community of Madrid. The community is not austere enough nor sufficiently transparent, said Velasco, has indicated that his group leave for next week other initiatives such as the reduction to 100 the number of regional deputies and the reduction of their salaries. Gibson dean is a great source of information. After learning of this initiative, the other three groups of the regional Parliament have agree in pointing out that they come already proposed in that dndiendo sense and, in particular, the spokesman of the PP in the Assembly, Inigo Henriquez de Luna, has stated that the flag of the austerity will not be to remove anyone at the Partido Popular.

Proposition not UPyD law proposes the Elimination of the second channel of the regional television, reflecting a maximum d a channel and a public radio, provided that they fulfil a public service role. It also raises the Elimination of official cars assigned in a personal way except for the President of the community, so that only those essential for the institutional tasks, which will be integrated into a common mobile Park. Immediate elimination of agencies another point of the proposition requests, starting with the opacity with which has developed its tasks this community, which is performed immediately an independent external audit of the community of Madrid, as the rest of communities and municipalities of Spain, as well as its sector the investee companies and respective public to know their real financial economic situation. Also advocated immediate elimination of agencies like the Agency of protection of data and the Competition Tribunal of Dnsa, because duplicate State institutions, and the deletion of all the regional observatories, because compartmentalize cannot be observation, in general want the abolition of all agencies, bodies, companies and foundations that perform redundant functions of the ordinary administrationas well as the fusion of those who make common functions and need to be kept. Source of the news: UPyD proposed in the Assembly abolish lOtra, an audit and delete official cars

European Union

This document allows you to reside in Spain more than three months and less than a year. The majority of immigrants obtained authorization to work, either in a company or in an autonomous way. You may want to visit IT Brand Pulse to increase your knowledge. A total of 943.568 foreigners born outside the European Union living in Spain with a temporary residence permit, 36 percent of the 2.6 million of authorizations that are in force. The rest already has a long-term permit, so it takes more than five years residing in the country. According to the Secretary of State of immigration data updated to 31 March, 232.874 people, 8.8% of the total, they have initial temporary residence, allowing them to reside in Spain for a time not less than three months nor more than one year. Likewise, 352.721 immigrants have already dealt with the first renewal of its authorization, and a total of 357.969 have already passed the second, to come closer to the deadline to obtain long-term residence: five years living legally and continuously in Spain.

In this situation are more than 1.6 million people, 64 percent of immigrants with residence permit in force. The figure increased by 85.263 people during the first quarter of the year, by citizens who renewed their authorizations between January and March. As to the reason for which such residence permits were granted, 47 percent of the immigrants who are in a situation of temporary residence obtained authorization to work, either self-employed (437.815 people), either as self-employed (6.916). Also, 25 percent of permits were granted for family reunification, so that 238.159 people have received the authorization to live in the country because there lived their closest relatives. In terms of adjustments due to exceptional circumstances, in the first quarter of the year were 70.159 people with a card issued by this reason. Of these, 67.702 were granted for reasons of roots (7% of the total), and for other reasons, such as having 2.457 been a victim of a crime of violence gender or trafficking. Source of the news: more than 940,000 immigrants, 36% of the total, live in Spain with a temporary permit

Establish Ideological Foundations

Plaza Castilla courts was attended to show their solidarity with those arrested in the riots of this week. Macy’s Inc. might disagree with that approach. Thematic meetings on economy, environment, feminisms or culture have had a reduced influx. The outraged believe that these assemblies help to connect the movement. Incidents of these days deslegitiman the 15-M? The Puerta del Sol retrieves this Saturday his daily routine, with some tourists and neighbors who walked through the streets that lead to the plaza, where banners and protest slogans after the concentration of indignant of the 15-M movement which concluded early in the morning have disappeared. Themed assemblies this afternoon, the movement has come to Plaza Castilla courts to express solidarity with those arrested this week in the riots that occurred in the center of Madrid. Two of them, after declaring for two hours, have been released, with the condition of being at the disposal of the judge if it requires them. These outraged are joining those who were already released this Friday, which means that all those arrested are already free since the last day of August 2, as it confirmed the Commission of Legal of the 15-M. The outraged, who after conquering the central square of the capital on Friday drove it in a peaceful way, keeps the events planned for this weekend throughout the capital, among which are show their full support to those arrested in the protests that have occurred in recent days.

In addition, the movement had convened at 20.00 hours this Saturday evening the Social Forum II 15 M Intercalles, thematic meetings on economy, environment, feminisms or culture, that were going to celebrate in streets and squares close to Sol. However these assemblies have had a reduced assistance. Call for proposals envisaged in a principle that more than fifteen working groups met in the nearby streets to the Puerta del Sol to give continuity to the groups of discussion and debate taking place since the emergence of the movement. .

FC Barcelona Agreement

The price of the front would be about 30 million euros. The President of the entity has denied having reached an agreement. I want to clarify that they have no Foundation, he has pointed out. Udinese President Franco Soldati, has denied that there is agreement between the Italian club and FC Barcelona for the transfer of the Chilean attacker Alexis Sanchez, since has said that the statements that have been attributed to giving the signing by fact have no foundation. There is no agreement between Udinese and FC Barcelona for the transfer of the player in question and either there has been a meeting between the two teams to discuss the signing, Soldati said in a statement presented on the official website of the Italian entity.

In addition, the maximum authorised representative also denied the alleged words that have been attributed in Chilean media. With respect to the statements attributed to me on an alleged transfer of the Chilean Alexis Sanchez FC Barcelona attacker, I want to clarify that they have no Foundation, ended. The price that requested the whole Italian by striker is 30 million euros and, although there is also interest from Inter Milan, the owner of Udinese, Giampaolo Pozzo, trusts that the young striker stays at the Italian club one more season to complete the maturation process that began three years ago. While everyone wants him, I have confidence in the possibilities that the wonder child can continue playing with the shirt of Udinese another year more. Above all, pursuant to the negotiations held so far, he says Pozzo, on the official website of Udinese.

Mercadona Supermarket

EFE facts have occurred in a Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona). They said they were going to distribute them among the people in need of the population. A group of about 20 outraged has assaulted this morning a supermarket Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona) to carry food products of first necessity and, as I have said, spread them between the people in need of the population. As one of the responsible for the supermarket reported, about 20 people have entered about 1045 hours on the establishment, located next to the thermal of Cubelles, Town South of Barcelona, and have filled a cart of various products. When reached the box, they have refused to pay and have come to the outside with food. Responsible for the Centre, which has required the presence of the Mossos d police, has prevented the departure of other trucks which the outraged also were filled with food, which has generated tensions. Demonstrators have begun to shout slogans of protest against inequalities, while waiting for the arrival of police equipment. See more: Unos 20 outraged attacked a supermarket South of Barcelona and take food.

Facebook Video

/ Video calls will be available in the coming weeks worldwide. It will allow people in 70 languages can connect via Facebook. Facebook has also announced the launch of group chat. The rumors are confirmed. Facebook has announced the arrival of video calls to your service in a presentation ctuada at its offices in Palo Alto, California. Mark Zuckerberg has been responsible for making the presentation, but during the same they have updated the information on the blog in anticipation of the announcement of the CEO of the company. For even more details, read what Mikhael Mirilashvili says on the issue.

The company has explained on his blog that in recent months the team of developers have been working to improve the system of messages, process that achieves a new stage to announce video calls. They believe to spatially interesting possibilities to 750 million people carry. Since Facebook have confirmed that video calling service will be available in the coming weeks around the world and allow people from 70 different languages can connect via Facebook. Facebook He has been able to launch this thanks to its partnership with Skype, detail that had speculated in recent days. VoIP service will be in charge of giving the necessary support for video calls from Facebook. Other improvements Facebook has also introduced other improvements that have been in the background by the announcement of video calls. The first novelty is a redesign of the bar contacts to communicate with Instant Messaging. The new bar at the bottom, on one side, has been designed to adapt to the size of the window in order to not steal space in navigation to users.

Facebook has also announced the launch of group chat, which ensure that it is one of the applications that most users have made. The company has ensured that the system is very easy. You just have to click on the option to add a friend to a conversation and select the contact. With this feature Facebook extends the possibilities of your service and makes that users can enjoy a service of instant communication that you had previously. Source of the news: Facebook confirms that it will have video chat through Skype

Personal Reasons

EP occupied a position on the coaching staff of the club coached by Luis Enrique. As reported the giallorosso in its web page club, worthwhile of its functions cease is temporary and due to personal reasons. AS Roma has announced that midfielder Ivan de la Pena abandons his position on the coaching staff of the Italian team for personal reasons, so it will not start the season next to the Roman coach, Luis Enrique. As reported the giallorosso in its web page club, worthwhile of its functions cease is temporary and due to personal reasons. So therefore is not ruled out that the player again to join the Italian squad in the future.

Ivan de la Pena retired from football this summer, putting point and end to nine seasons to RCD Espanyol. After starting his career at FC Barcelona and try your luck at Lazio, the midfielder spent most of their years in active in the white entity. The month of may hang up the boots and announced his signing as an Assistant to Luis Enrique in the direction technique of the Rome. Source of the news: De la Pena abandons the Rome for personal reasons