Excel Link

This only confuses. It is preferable that the links in your site are underlined, and preferably with blue (# 0000FF) When you link to an HTML document that is not, as a Word document, PDF or Excel, enter it with a small icon next to the link. Never link to a page under construction. This also undermines the credibility and professionalism to your business. Make sure you do not link to pages that do not exist or are poorly written. One of the best programs that check for broken links is Xena, you can download for free by pressing the following link Download Xenu Link Checker If you use links from images, be sure to use the ALT attribute, which describes what you are linking to.

Using graphics Optimize your images and try to use the extensions. Gif and. Jpg. Make them as small as possible (light to delay the download does not download the entire page) while maintaining its quality. One of the best programs to do this and to compress many images at a time is Easy Thumbnails If you need an image large enough, use small images (thumbnails) that when you press on it to open the large image. With the program described above can achieve this easily by creating two images of different sizes.

* Use the ALT attribute in the image even if there is no link. This helps users with special needs and those who can not see images from your browser. Optimizing your site for search engines Create a map of your site and link to it from your homepage. Search engines continue to this link and add your pages. Decide what the main keywords of each page (the words that you think that visitors used in search engines to find your page.) Repeat these words or phrases in the title of your page in the meta tags at the beginning (header) and end (footer) of your pages. Create a page of links and call “resources” or something similar. There you can put links to sites that have agreed to exchange links with you. The more links quality sites related to your business and you’ll be better positioned in search engines. It is better to use more text and less graphics, and minimize the use of Flash and Javascript. Search engines favor more text and integrate your home much faster.