Nintendo’s ‘Think’ trying the senses to sharpen computer games make stupid and short-sighted: a prejudice that is as old as the games themselves. Still no gambler had stopped himself. The company now seeks Nintendo think training for the head”to go in a completely different direction. Playful, the sight and hearing should be strengthened through daily exercises. According to the auction house this well-meaning attempt succeeded but only half. First of all, the game begins with a test. Here, the personal performance of each player is to be measured. Many writers such as Siemens offer more in-depth analysis. However, the eye test is limited to a possible red-green color blindness.
The listening test verifies how individual frequencies are perceived. People such as Madeleine Sackler would likely agree. The actual game is followed then. Unfortunately without having the individual test results previously would explained. Can be explained by two different avatars, players can think how”. However, this is done by scrolling text.
A reader is missing and the graphic is also tenuous. The figures appear pixelated on the display of the Nintendo DS. This graphic is a real problem later especially when the Visual tasks. Some items are hard to see. Also, the auditory exercises are not always suitable for everyday use. Often, they work only in a completely silent environment. The explanations of the individual tasks are sometimes also flimsy. “It is positive that think” the individual results of the four players at the same time can save. Also the inserted relaxation phases are commendable. But sadly lacks an evaluation of the achieved performance after the daily training in turn.