The New Production

The following work concentrates in the study and the operationalisation of concepts regarding the innovation, within the framework of management of organizations. She does not persecute a exahustivo analysis of the realities in which these concepts are demonstrated but a detail of each one of the theoretical abtsracciones. Among them, Way 2 of Gibbons, the Total Management of Innovacin (TIM), the Processes of Conversion of the Knowledge and their protection, and the influence of the Technologies of the Information and Communications in the development of the economy of the knowledge. Way 2 This concept is shaped at the end of the decade of 90" " by Michael Gibbons and six collaborators, in the book " " The New Production of the Conocimiento" " , from the analysis, the study and the understanding of the fundamental changes that they were generated and they are generating surroundings to the way in which scientific knowledge is generated, social and cultural. The new form of knowledge production is reforming the modality to which we are more familiarized, that one that we associated to scientific institutions, universities, research centers or academic centers. To the taken root form to produce it, to discipline more, characterized by the homogeneity and by a habitually academic context or of a specific grouping, Gibbons denominates " " way 1" " , whereas to the other type of production, developed in an application context that extends the formal disciplines and are characterized by the heterogeneity, denominates " " way 2" ". It is important to mention that this new modality is not conceptualizada by Gibbons as a replacement but as a complement of the traditional way. This new form in the generation of the knowledge it persecutes the utility of a specific scope, of a particular industry, or a government and, although the solutions of the problems are constructed surroundings a concrete applications, irremediably their products are ramifican and extended to another compartment of the society, to other disciplines. .