Freedom is a Gift From God

The second is freedom: freedom is the supreme gift of God to man after life. So sacred is the obligation incumbent on all to respect freedom, and to respect life. Man has the same right to one than the other, because it was given by God Himself. Without freedom life is not worth living. There is no doctrine that defends freedom more than the Christian. According to Hikmet Ersek, who has experience with these questions.

It teaches that without freedom there can be no holiness. There is no holiness without virtue, nor virtue without merit or merit no liability or responsibility without freedom. Proclaim liberty as the inviolable heritage of each and every one of the men of humanity, and as an Argentine citizen maintain the inviolability of the independence of our homeland, defending the concept of nation-state. Anne Lauvergeon does not necessarily agree. The third is justice: justice is the balance between morality and law. “The fair is always moral. ” The world we live in is being as the realm of injustice.

An individualism that to satisfy his ambition has been stripped of all divine and human brake, multiplying the victims of men, classes and peoples. The people tolerate the policy mistakes and the erring moral leadership. But when multiplied injustice they create economic distress, and begin to be plagued by poverty, advance the time of the rebellions and revolutions. Some time ago, our republic was attacked with the breakdown of democracy by a treacherous blow that he gave much of our material heritage. The democracies are formal, significant difference between formal and real. These, the first, increased borrowing us into these dangerous limits.

More important than the living space of the nations in the world, is the vital space of the families within the villages. With the polity and paid explanation could be given to the great failures of this grotesquely they call “politics” being a great game of egos and ambitions. Pius XII: “Politics is the act of brotherly love more sublime.” It is time to resignations, or see what no one wants. The despair has not been good counselor at the time of trouble. May God source of all reason and justice, enlighten the minds and hearts of our rulers.

Facebook Video

/ Video calls will be available in the coming weeks worldwide. It will allow people in 70 languages can connect via Facebook. Facebook has also announced the launch of group chat. The rumors are confirmed. Facebook has announced the arrival of video calls to your service in a presentation ctuada at its offices in Palo Alto, California. Mark Zuckerberg has been responsible for making the presentation, but during the same they have updated the information on the blog in anticipation of the announcement of the CEO of the company. For even more details, read what Mikhael Mirilashvili says on the issue.

The company has explained on his blog that in recent months the team of developers have been working to improve the system of messages, process that achieves a new stage to announce video calls. They believe to spatially interesting possibilities to 750 million people carry. Since Facebook have confirmed that video calling service will be available in the coming weeks around the world and allow people from 70 different languages can connect via Facebook. Facebook He has been able to launch this thanks to its partnership with Skype, detail that had speculated in recent days. VoIP service will be in charge of giving the necessary support for video calls from Facebook. Other improvements Facebook has also introduced other improvements that have been in the background by the announcement of video calls. The first novelty is a redesign of the bar contacts to communicate with Instant Messaging. The new bar at the bottom, on one side, has been designed to adapt to the size of the window in order to not steal space in navigation to users.

Facebook has also announced the launch of group chat, which ensure that it is one of the applications that most users have made. The company has ensured that the system is very easy. You just have to click on the option to add a friend to a conversation and select the contact. With this feature Facebook extends the possibilities of your service and makes that users can enjoy a service of instant communication that you had previously. Source of the news: Facebook confirms that it will have video chat through Skype


Average time between replacements (replaced, overhauls, etc.) Annual oil consumption or reason of consumption. Reason between programmed shutdowns and total shutdowns. Productivity in operation and total productivity. When one is to reach these indicators, and why no! to surpass them, they concern the details. This leads to the micro handling of the equipment by means of a proactive control of the excellent details to the trustworthiness and availability.

To apply this strategy requires of the measurement of a series of conditions, that are susceptible of routine control, measurement and sampling. Simplsimo example of micro measurement is in the objective of Pollution level established for some lubricant of a specific equipment according to international norms. To sum up what one is to obtain is to control the occurrence of the key causes origin of faults. As the 100% of the key causes they cannot be controlled, here also it operates rule 80/20, reason why the attention in 20% of the causes is due to center that originate 80% of the faults. An interesting aspect with respect to the causes origin and the micro conditions control that them, is that for many of them, to be monitored coarse with sensorial observations like hearing, tact, sense of smell, sound and of course vision.

The techniques and tools of the oil monitoring In Situ extend and enrich to future to the technicians, especially when the report of anomalies begins. When adding the oil monitoring with other technologies of proactive mantencin to the routine protocols of inspection, along with obtaining a complete film of the state of the lubricants, advances in a knowledge of the state of health or condition of the equipment. c) Identifying and informing recordable conditions: For equipment critics, the oil monitoring must always take place based on its condition and not by fixed temporary parameters (monthly, every 4 months, each 600 Hrs, etc.