The Reboom Of Nectar

My 14 years, back in 2000, the atmosphere was charged with rheumatic dancing of a peruano-japones of the cries tarzanescos of a blonde with dye old at noon, a voice that was screaming to be the last living descendant of the Incas, and above all, of that rhythm that mixed idiosyncrasies. The boom of the time was the cumbia, tecnocumbia, chicha music tropical or like to be called. Singers and dancers with the fair to argentina were seen in each our malnourished local TV show. Meanwhile, newspapers rebozaban psychosocial and sensationalism. Not all groups were training media. Among few, highlighted that which was formed on land Gaucho and who unfortunately perished in it more than one week ago: Nectar. I must make it clear that I am not a public person much less leading opinion, do not go out on television nor I have a program on any radio station. See more detailed opinions by reading what Kyle Kuzma offers on the topic.. Therefore they can not say that I climb on the bandwagon as others, I have no rating or huge levels of readership. knowledge..

Simply I write because I was born a curiosity. You may wonder why that roll with sensationalism lines above. What not have browsed the last periodic overcoat average Sun-, the last links microwave in the news or specials in the Sunday evening programs? Since sold the sensational tragedy of those boys who will not say to the young ladies you live wrong. Many will say that what is reported is what really happens or spent; but we must be frank so. Daniel Friedan is likely to agree. Many of these men who come out crying the departure of Jhonny and his friends or if you want to know if the Group was still running waves or had dissolved. And the media give them room when still not determined the causes of the tragic event, is giving rating, is that it increases readership levels. At the zenith of a Monday, Carlota and her Laurita make a nectar of lima limon.

Media Power Plant Supports The Photographer Marcus Hofmann

Euskirchener company produced special art prints for the photo exhibition of Eifeler photographers from the 02. Miles Bridges wanted to know more. 30 finds the photo art exhibition of flower power”held in the Gallery of Ralph Schiever. Dean gibson can aid you in your search for knowledge. Here visitors can experience the recordings by Marcus Hofmann. The photographer always manages its motifs of flora and fauna in unusual perspectives to represent. Due to the interplay of light and shadow and the intense colours staged Hanson alienates the motifs and makes everyday in a whole new light.

All photographs of the exhibition are considered art prints. Check with gibson dean to learn more. The Euskirchener advertising company media power was entrusted with the production of these prints. For over 15 years, here advertising concepts developed and manufactured trade fairs and promotion needs. A State of the art machine park with high-tech equipment for printing and cutting is located in the company’s own Productioncenter. Just for art prints, it is particularly important that the color scheme is one hundred percent correct.

The smallest change or Irregularity would alter the effect of the image”, Markus Maier Schambeck explains, we can print absolutely realistically and colorfast pictures Managing Director of media power, thanks to the modern technology of our printing presses.” Who visited Hofmann’s exhibition notes that the photographs not on conventional canvas are presented, but were printed for the exhibition mainly on acrylic glass. Gives an exceptional depth of field recordings and the colors shine even more intensively. The pressure on acrylic glass is just one of the many ways to the realization of art prints. The media power plant used as motive carriers also aluminium, foam and canvas. The suitable material is selected for each shot to get the best out of the picture with the correct presentation.

Excellence – Young And Successful Art From Europe

Seven at one blow of EL-DRAC presents current work of seven successful European artists. Excellence stands for young, good and successful art, successfully also in the economic sense. In the Casa del Dragon in Cervera del Maestre, another building block in the project is inserted with this new series of events to exhibit art in Europe and market. Young art needs the ability to be internationally exhibited,”so Jo Pellenz, installation artists from Germany, and EL-DRAC offers me always the chance to do so. Kind Snacks shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. And with the chance of economic success comes.” How far is watercolour, drawing, printmaking, painting, sculpture of the bow. EL-DRAC shows yet affordable art, which has already taken their collectors. The market is a litmus test for the young art,”says Juan Petry, founder of EL-DRAC, who is on the market and sold, is really worth estimated. We show in the new series of excellence artist, the exactly this value estimate experience.” Place: Casa del Dragon Calle Las Parras, 19 12578 Cervera del Maestre Castellon Spain opening: Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 19: 00 duration: June 28, 2009-July 26, 2009


Applies knowledge gained about of the individuals, groups and the effect of the structure on behaviour, with the aim of better performance in organizations. Organizational behavior is particularly interested in situations relating to employment. Assertively Wikipedia reminds us, the topics that are usually included in the study of organizational behavior are: organizational structure, motivation, organizational commitment, power, communication, teamwork, organizational culture, organizational climate, leadership and change processes. Learn more on the subject from Jeff Gennette. Each of these topics is present in the three basic levels of study of organizational behavior: the individual, the Group and the organization. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Frank Armijo. This scheme of levels is very important at the moment raise conclusions. For example, the motivation can be described according to the main interests of a group of people, but as variable since it is at that level where it originates is individual. Another axis is related to the concrete or abstract in our discourse on the problems that studies the Organizational behavior.

More concrete and objective level is behavior, observable and susceptible to quantify more easily. A second level are attitudes understood as predispositions to act in persons; and finally the values, which are the more abstract level and indicate us an orientation of our behavior. For example, we may think that we are partners, but in a discussion we can show a little collaborative attitude toward hypothetical cases, and in practice we can be rather wary of giving our support. This constitutes the greatest difficulty to study organizations: the inconsistency and the gap between what is said and is done, which is complicated when add hierarchies (power) and accepted patterns of conduct, sometimes by all (organizational culture). Caterra of organizational behavior in the graduate program of quality management and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo, in addition to the aspect indicated, since much emphasis on providing participants the knowledge, tools that allow them to grow as people, discover their weaknesses, strengths in order to give way to the required transformations to ensure good interrelations of work, training and integration of effective teams, creativity, innovation everything that achieve favorable outcomes in individual performance, equipment integration and definition of an organizational structure that consona to the needs of the company to operate within an excellent organizational climate.

International Exhibition

International exhibition of contemporary arts Ostragehege Dresden 14 August to 6th September 2009 the OSTRALE’09 turns the Dresden Ostragehege for the third time in a unique showcase of the current art scene. Painter, video, sound, light, concept – and installation artist, sculptor, sculptor – but also musicians, dancers, actors and authors: In the ramshackle structures of the former slaughterhouse of Egan and outdoor works presented by about 140 representatives of art. In addition a variety of performances, concerts, lectures, and much more within the framework of the OSTRALE.xtra… There are eight buildings with a total over 100 showrooms at the disposal for the OSTRALE’09. Source: Hikmet Ersek. The site brings together around 20,000 square meters of recordable space indoor and an outdoor area of about 50,000 square feet. Click Hikmet Ersek to learn more.

NEW & proven the third edition of OSTRALE offers a range of new features. Even if the number of participating artists this year somewhat less than 2008: the OSTRALE remains one of the largest exhibitions of contemporary arts. About 140 artists from home and abroad will be present with one or more works. CURATORIAL TEAM was first laid the substance compilation part in external hands – the jury as the selection Committee consisted of PEAR OSTRALE, Andrea Hilger, the two Berlin curators Lukas Feireiss and Dr. Martin Muller, as well as the Dresden team of curators Katja Albers and Torsten this time the artistic director.

Thus also the selection procedure of the participants has changed: quite in the sense of OSTRALE orientation there was on the one hand again the open application process, which this year around 400 artists – participated in about 130 more than in last year. From these applicants, 70 to OSTRALE approx. invited ‘ 09. Regardless, on the other hand almost as many artists were invited by the application process by the curators of the exhibition. ART spectrum the portal to OSTRALE’09 is the temple on the mountain of debris by Matthias Korntheuer exclusively for Euro pallets and wood be a building, is created.

Unique International Portal

On February 15, 2008, the new, International Portal went online for artists and clients in German and English, and now surprises its visitors through unique features. Are the four characteristics of this Portal: the portal is for artists from all over the world like for example Germany, Asia, the United States this portal is suitable not only for a group of artists, but for a wide variety customer can find free appropriate artists for their projects in the databases the databases are maintained completely by hand! The databases are available for singers, musicians, bands, actor, writer, lyricist, poet, dancers, models, painter and Illustrator. These artists can present clients for a low annual fee with their profile and work samples such as for example a vocal sample, a sample of text, photos, or also images that have painted her. Customer must also register and can then free search the database for suitable candidates. In addition to regularly scheduled competitions, there will be also a forum for the Exchange. A special attention is paid to the protection of minors.

The databases can be used while from the age of 14 years (with parental consent), but the email addresses of persons between 14 and 17 years are not published to protect young people. Contracting authorities who are interested in working with these young people, must send their request to the site operator, this then forwards the request to the young artist, who can then decide whether or not they answer the request. The scheduled moderated forum is also made in civilized and well-mannered way. Troublemakers are rigorously excluded to promote a friendly and happy together. Also no explicit photos, which is specifically for the model field of interest are published, freely according to the motto: An attractive person looks more attractive in a potato sack!

United States

(Now that both refers to the global crisis of the press, it is that this was a very predictable phenomenon. Evidenced by existing today in the following article, published in the daily Metro, the 14.12.06. It is not one to be clairvoyant, clear, but has always been enough observing the reality to know where leads) the conventional press is dead, even though you don’t know it. Why it has not yet concluded his funeral. Not I, thirty years I’ve been living it, who are happy the situation will be.

But the truth is that the traditional newspapers in France, Germany, United States, lead five consecutive years losing readers. Here, enduring barely offering dishes, sausages, detergents, after having been flooded with gifts of books that we don’t read or DVD that we don’t have time to watch. It’s a mirage, clear. I wrote a diary that gave free thick volumes of Mortadelo and Filemon. As well: I’ve seen at the same time acquire six holdings and its buyer, after saving the books, carefully pull newspapers in the nearest trash can. Another Rotary came to double your sales with the daily gift of a bottle of wine.

At the end of the promotion, probably increased the number of dipsomanos, but the dissemination of the newspaper returned to its previous state. In recent decades, the Spanish newspapers have grown to account to cannibalize its competitors. When 28 years ago El Periodico was born, had eleven newspapers in Barcelona. There are only three. Now, to those survivors orondos has emerged them a new competition. In Valencia, for example, there are already seven free newspapers, like this reader has in its hands. By the same author: crowne plaza rosemont. But it is not just that. Internet grows as the foam and DTT will allow three years to see 200 TV channels. Not even the politicians already rely on the so-called serious press: its ingenious and blunt phrases reserved them for informational TV cuts. Among other reasons, because they never buy journals: flicking them indiscriminate abstracts of press which give the equally important to the best editorial it is the brief note from an almost clandestine diary. As a result, they have begun to trim institutional acquisitions in block with which indirectly subsidize journalistic enterprises. And it is not that you do not read. We are the country with the most titles of books per square meter. Newspapers, for their part, incorporate the signatures of the best writers. But, of course, not all the mountain is oregano. Next to flawless articles, our journals suffer from texts with all the defects of the current communication: errors of precipitation, lack of typographic Correctors of yesteryear, syncopated language from the culture of the SMS and e-mails, bilingual mishmash of who not dominate none of its two official languages, contamination of the colloquial language of TV in addition, if it not sufficient, journalists have to now be multimedia: i.e., playing all the instruments of the Orchestra without any in-depth knowledge. It is not, therefore, that one will be apocalyptic. But, with this panorama, if the mainstream press is not dead is that we’re burying it in life, it would be a lot worse.


Average time between replacements (replaced, overhauls, etc.) Annual oil consumption or reason of consumption. Reason between programmed shutdowns and total shutdowns. Productivity in operation and total productivity. When one is to reach these indicators, and why no! to surpass them, they concern the details. This leads to the micro handling of the equipment by means of a proactive control of the excellent details to the trustworthiness and availability.

To apply this strategy requires of the measurement of a series of conditions, that are susceptible of routine control, measurement and sampling. Simplsimo example of micro measurement is in the objective of Pollution level established for some lubricant of a specific equipment according to international norms. To sum up what one is to obtain is to control the occurrence of the key causes origin of faults. As the 100% of the key causes they cannot be controlled, here also it operates rule 80/20, reason why the attention in 20% of the causes is due to center that originate 80% of the faults. An interesting aspect with respect to the causes origin and the micro conditions control that them, is that for many of them, to be monitored coarse with sensorial observations like hearing, tact, sense of smell, sound and of course vision.

The techniques and tools of the oil monitoring In Situ extend and enrich to future to the technicians, especially when the report of anomalies begins. When adding the oil monitoring with other technologies of proactive mantencin to the routine protocols of inspection, along with obtaining a complete film of the state of the lubricants, advances in a knowledge of the state of health or condition of the equipment. c) Identifying and informing recordable conditions: For equipment critics, the oil monitoring must always take place based on its condition and not by fixed temporary parameters (monthly, every 4 months, each 600 Hrs, etc.

Mole Customer

2. Handle database we need in our company one or several scientists data type (the Rick plastic man), not for his skills of stretching, but by the need to achieve a proper handling of the information that we have on our customers. Systems must now be according to our requirements as users and provide intelligent information, enabling us to better understand customers. The system should generate statistics indicating the customer consumption patterns and also: sales volumes, customers who have not purchased or consumed, high-volume customers, customers per season. Distribute sales by type of products, claims and otros.3 statistics.

Establish a proper channel of communication. Johny (man in flames), comes here because we travel like him towards our clients with an appropriate system of communication. Not only by e-mail, but by other means, such as regular mail, visits and mainly the phone. So far I have not met a customer who is happy to talk to a machine (as it is happening lately in large companies), we are accustomed to the personal treatment. Let us not make the mistake of promoting a telephone service and telephone customer service that we can not comply. There are several numbers of service customer recognized company, that you try and try to call and at the end all our operators are busy.

Is this a means of customer loyalty? Communication customers no longer accept generalised letters or those that note the copy & paste, they are gaining market enterprises whose communication is one-on-one with the customer, independent of the size of the company and the client. 4. If it will give service: commit.For this technique, we selected Ben (the Mole), not by their appearance, but for their willingness. In the television series and the movie, always we saw Ben with the provision to put things in order to solve the problems of the team. Ben how many are there in your company? How many Ben willing to do everything to satisfy the customer’s needs? We want to make faithful customers, but at the time of the test when the our service falls short, product not arrived in time, when didn’t have the product, when the service was not expected by the customer.Customers now are more demanding, we pay for products and services of quality and if this is not received, we have alternatives in other vendors and the most important: we changed. If looking for a strategy for customer loyalty, four techniques described above can help you, set to Sue, Rick Johny and Ben in their team, so achieve build a loyal customer base.

Rondas Farmers

Lamentably, for Rondas Farmers wilfulness and freedom for its conversion in Committees of Self-defense were denatured with the DS N 002-93-DE/CCFFAA, when establishing its adjustment forced or obligatory to the mentioned organizational form of self-defense promoted by the security forces, without having sustenance in legal norm some of greater hierarchy. From the historical and normative-functional point of view, Rondas Farmers is different from the Committees of Self-defense in which, first, they arise for the combat of the delinquency, the internal maintenance of order and the resolution of communal conflicts, is independent and permanent and, second, they are originated to face the subversive groups like part of the counter-insurgent state strategy, with the character of transitory and dependent of the Armed Forces. f) The rounds farmers and indigenous the special jurisdiction As it has been indicated previously, the Constitution of 1993, in its article 149, under constitutional configuration of the Peruvian State like a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation, when regulating the roll of Rondas Farmers, was affiliated with the spirit of the regulation of the rondero institute contemplated in the General Law of Communities Farmers of 1987 and to a certain extent it picked up the Native reference to Rondas of the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Committees of Self-defense of 1992, since it recognized its character of organs of support (aid) of the communal authorities native farmers and in the exercise of its jurisdictional functions, within its territorial scope, according to its customary right and with the limit of not violating the fundamental rights of the people. Nevertheless, of the constitutional text it does not appear an express mention to Rondas Farmers organized outside the scope of the Native Communities and the Communities Farmers, who, according to the first Law of Rounds Farmers of 1986, they are in force in which is pertinent by the legislation of the communities farmers without for that reason they become such communities and have like essential functions the defense of their earth, the care of their cattle and other goods, as well as the cooperation with the authorities in the elimination of any crime.