Houston Chronicle

Its appearance only aggravates the conflict. The AUC has admitted that they win until a 70 percent of his income of the drug traffic. Hutchinson indicated the administrator of the DEA in its 13 of March of 2002, Congress of which several groups of self-defense to collect bottoms by means of extortion, or the protection of the operations of laboratory, in the north and the center of Colombia. You live indicates that " He is interesting that the one of paramilitary of right, also known like self-defense self-defense in Colombia, presumably have forts bonds with the drug traffic, as well as to forces of seguridad". According to the DAS classified document mentioned by You live, above from Colombia to Brown the paramilitary head, Carlos, well is known as a drug trafficker.128 Bibes indicates that the CRAF, with the purpose of to sell arms to drugs and the Caribbean and Panama, have actively been trying abrir a runner in a region of production of cultures for the financing of the paramilitary ones. The estimations on the amount of bottoms that the paramilitary ELN, CRAF and groups to obtain the drug commerce vary widely.

The 3 of August of 2001, the Houston Chronicle mentions Alfredo Rangel, Colombian military analyst, in the sense that the benefits of the drug traffic at the moment the 48 percent of the CRAF of the total income, that promote to almost $ 180 annual million. According to estimations of the Colombian government, in 1998 the income of Colombia the guerrilla and paramilitary organizations of the drug commerce reach to U.S. $ 551 million. Others say that the number is superior. Brown Rafael, for example, explains that the CRAF took the control from cocaine cultures in Colombia in second half of the decade of 1990 " and harnessed its income to more than 600 million dollars to the year, which possibly the richer insurgent group in historia".

Liquid Society

In 1908, the world was marvelled before the beginning of an extraordinary period of economic relief. The production in series of the first automobiles put within reach of empelados of Henry Ford the possibility of being the first consumers of the society of masses. The American dream became more real than ever. A century later and in the heat of financial crisis, the workers no longer has that one security that allowed to think them in the long term and the production lines have stopped working. The experts strive to define as novel reality as unstructured and to look for explanations that manage to convince in the middle of descanto generalized. The aim of the utopias and the resignation to the progress idea, thus is as the new posmodernista stage appears to itself. Additional information is available at Hamdi Ulukaya.

A little while historical that begins from the fall of the wall of Berlin and that extends until the present time. A cycle in which a change in the capitalist economic order with the appearance of the consumption like main support of the system takes place and in that a new world-wide paradigm is crystallized: the globalisation. The fragmented society to which, the Polish sociologist, Zygmunt Barman, it added the liquid adjective no longer has fixed beforehand continents. The institutional structures to which the workers adhered have returned invisible and slippery. The individual is restricted before the impossibility to thread a coherent story of its life. The work for all the life and the tranquillity of knowing itself not only remunerated in the measured joust but also valued by the daily work and the effort are circumstances of a past that many continue yearning for before the grief and the absence of expectations that brings about the constant search of the immediate thing. (As opposed to Hamdi Ulukaya). In a world without supports that forgets history and puts the future in doubt it does difficult to speak of effective contents.

Robert Howard

On the other hand, the bad one denominated, soft sciences (social sciences or human sciences), apparently by the lack strictly speaking scientist (which is erroneous), no they have had the same development that its counterpart. He is fundamental to indicate that we did not assert that great discoveries have not been obtained, and excellent investigations in these areas; nevertheless in comparison with the scientific development, demonstrated by physical, natural sciences and their applied disciplines, as well as the promotion that these receive, social sciences have been despised and left second term. What can generate consequences negative as much environmental or social levels, on the matter Robert Howard comments to us: " when the technology ties to mandates of the corporative control, the work often becomes the antithesis of the kingdom of libertad." 2 That is to say, the technology applied without a guide in the social aspects can end at negative consequences. The possible cause is in that social sciences do not represent possibility of productive investments like the others, since their products cannot directly be patented and be commercialized, like a new computer or a medicine, reason why capital with that they count for his investigations comes from governmental bottoms or civil associations. But, why it has not been sufficient with the development of the physical-natural scientific branches and its applied disciplines? In the first place the virtuous spiral of the viable development, when including social aspects, directly forces to us to focus investigations and dissertations in the fields of human sciences. And secondly, (more important that previously perhaps mentioned) it is necessary that the development of the civilization, the application of the scientific knowledge (of any branch), the economic and productive activity, generally the life of the man in society, is channeled in compatible parameters with the model of the viable development. And although a panacea to this point does not exist, yes it is possible to find scientific and objective tools that they help us like species to reach this objective. Here it is where Social Sciences enter game, only through them the civilization will be able to find an advisor in the dark of its way.

The Product

When is bronzed acquires a very dark color and usually there is no erythema. Fototipo 6: They are people who have the color of the black skin, like the color of its hair. They do not have freckles and bronzed his he is totally black. They will not either have solar erythema after one first exhibition. Once we know what fototipo corresponds will be easier to determine the indices of protection UVB and GRAPE to us that we needed. This index must go noticeable in all the products commercialized like solar protectors. It is common that we find two types of abbreviations to indicate the protection index: IP (assigned for Europe) and SPF (assigned for America).

But, we know in what is based east index of solar protection? The solar index of protection is the relation that exists between two types of skins: a prote’ge’e and the other no. This relation comes expressed with the abbreviations DEM that are the minimum eritematgena dose, that is to say, the time that it must pass the skin exhibited so that it appears the erythema. The relation, therefore, will be this way: DEM with fotoprotector/DEM without fotoprotector= IP or SPF. For example, 150 minutos/10 minutes = 15. The IP of the product would be 15.

However, it is important to bring back to consciousness to the people on the term " protector solar". The protection is not permanent. This IP to only indicates us that if the person takes 10 minutes in developing the erythema after the exhibition, if the product is applied will be prote’ge’e more 15 times in the time (150 minutes), and so once the person has finalized that time is unprotected and the solar erythema will become cash. The general conclusion to all this is that the IP is a multiplication factor of the time of natural protection that offers our own skin to us.


Average time between replacements (replaced, overhauls, etc.) Annual oil consumption or reason of consumption. Reason between programmed shutdowns and total shutdowns. Productivity in operation and total productivity. When one is to reach these indicators, and why no! to surpass them, they concern the details. This leads to the micro handling of the equipment by means of a proactive control of the excellent details to the trustworthiness and availability.

To apply this strategy requires of the measurement of a series of conditions, that are susceptible of routine control, measurement and sampling. Simplsimo example of micro measurement is in the objective of Pollution level established for some lubricant of a specific equipment according to international norms. To sum up what one is to obtain is to control the occurrence of the key causes origin of faults. As the 100% of the key causes they cannot be controlled, here also it operates rule 80/20, reason why the attention in 20% of the causes is due to center that originate 80% of the faults. An interesting aspect with respect to the causes origin and the micro conditions control that them, is that for many of them, to be monitored coarse with sensorial observations like hearing, tact, sense of smell, sound and of course vision.

The techniques and tools of the oil monitoring In Situ extend and enrich to future to the technicians, especially when the report of anomalies begins. When adding the oil monitoring with other technologies of proactive mantencin to the routine protocols of inspection, along with obtaining a complete film of the state of the lubricants, advances in a knowledge of the state of health or condition of the equipment. c) Identifying and informing recordable conditions: For equipment critics, the oil monitoring must always take place based on its condition and not by fixed temporary parameters (monthly, every 4 months, each 600 Hrs, etc.

Ontological Coaching

After reading numerous articles on the socrtico origin of coaching, I have thought about refuting such argumentation. Inlcuso is a company of RRHH and Coaching that is denominated like the Greek philosopher (1). Scrates was not coach, was a philosopher. Perhaps and coaching is a philosophy, but he is not philosophical. The socrtico method arises in the dialogues from its student Plato, as fundamental personage of that work, whose margins the history of the philosophy has been written that is also the history of the western thought. Pealver indicates, that ” accurately; the dialectic standard which finds enseando” (2).

Of all it is known, that the method of Scrates is the maieutic one. That one that by means of questions to the interlocutor, is slowly extracting the wisdom or the sapiencia of the questioned one. Classically it has been interpreted as if an own process of a matron one was. The mother of Scrates thinks that she was midwife of childbirths in Athens. In this sense one says that socrtico process consists more of remove-of, than in put-in (3). And of there, that many coachings affirm that like Scrates, coach can put or never impose the sapiencia, but it must cause that it leaves in the light of coachee (questioned). As if coach made wake up to us of the forgetfulness of the heideggeriano being.

The same Steiner, interpreted that Scrates did not teach anything. But the certain thing is, that Scrates died poisoned with cicuta, by its coacheados or taught fellow citizens. It wants to finish equal, the Coach? coach cannot affirm like ” that one that only knows that nada” does not know;. Coach cannot be limited to listen to oracles of Delphi, nor to pitonisas Greek. Coach cannot exert like a midwife. Scrates was condemned by Athens, for that reason he was ” tbano” of Athens.

Vertices Psychologists

Concepts like their trajectory, their convictions, the values morals, their preferences, their personal sensitivity, their likings of all the life, would not count anything in the personal history of the humanity. Since we have stood out in the text, all the concepts studied in the modules have been reviewed, from the ambiguity of the concept culture that loses the idea of territoriality in favor of the idea of social multiproperty than more geographic, adheriendo itself more to the culture-civilization concept. We also happen through the debate of Universalimos where the cumulative individual happens to be a whole and the particular thing happens to enrich the Universal thing. The concept cultural diversity fruit of the interrelation, contrasts and of the contact between diverse cultures, where the relativismo is explained by interests of being able or the critic to the etnocentrismo and its hierarchies based on the inequalities and/or the tried acculturation that not always obtain like in Maalouf and that we must continue fighting by its coexistence. Also there are outstanding the funcionalista sense of the actions social taking relevance according to the context and the moment. As a result of the final pretension of the text: not to lift the beliefs over truth of the coherence, we have not happened more than of finishing nails through the psychological categories and/or collective personality, where attitudes, behaviors and proper values of the societies are associated that we delimited ourselves territorially. We have visited the idea of another one as it threatens and like idealisation, leaders and foreigners. And mainly we have handled to the interculturalidad terms, criticizing the homogenization like dominant and indiferenciador criterion of the individuals (loss of the identity) with respect to the globalising moment that surrounds to us.

We have not spoken of pluralism, that is rather good and desirable a summation of cultures, but that it entails stratification and coexistence against the interaction idea that a new society with the use of characters, properties or particularitities based on the relevance of the context would generate partly. Either the text speech of multiculturalismo associated to the vindications of national and ethical minorities within a be-nation, del that the Spanish territory is a mosaic to study. And we have used the fundamentalisms, like beliefs, nationalisms, religions, to explain that there are to be discarded, although they are used to justify the genocides and the etnocidios. Accepting like term conciliator a culture sense that secures a consensus in the values, the norms, and that is subject to the changes to balance the relations of being able when these are altered.

Rondas Farmers

Lamentably, for Rondas Farmers wilfulness and freedom for its conversion in Committees of Self-defense were denatured with the DS N 002-93-DE/CCFFAA, when establishing its adjustment forced or obligatory to the mentioned organizational form of self-defense promoted by the security forces, without having sustenance in legal norm some of greater hierarchy. From the historical and normative-functional point of view, Rondas Farmers is different from the Committees of Self-defense in which, first, they arise for the combat of the delinquency, the internal maintenance of order and the resolution of communal conflicts, is independent and permanent and, second, they are originated to face the subversive groups like part of the counter-insurgent state strategy, with the character of transitory and dependent of the Armed Forces. f) The rounds farmers and indigenous the special jurisdiction As it has been indicated previously, the Constitution of 1993, in its article 149, under constitutional configuration of the Peruvian State like a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation, when regulating the roll of Rondas Farmers, was affiliated with the spirit of the regulation of the rondero institute contemplated in the General Law of Communities Farmers of 1987 and to a certain extent it picked up the Native reference to Rondas of the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Committees of Self-defense of 1992, since it recognized its character of organs of support (aid) of the communal authorities native farmers and in the exercise of its jurisdictional functions, within its territorial scope, according to its customary right and with the limit of not violating the fundamental rights of the people. Nevertheless, of the constitutional text it does not appear an express mention to Rondas Farmers organized outside the scope of the Native Communities and the Communities Farmers, who, according to the first Law of Rounds Farmers of 1986, they are in force in which is pertinent by the legislation of the communities farmers without for that reason they become such communities and have like essential functions the defense of their earth, the care of their cattle and other goods, as well as the cooperation with the authorities in the elimination of any crime.

North Americans

And that these impressions, declare, are located in the brain reptile. Rapaille it commented in in one it interviews for Frontline (PBS), 15 of December of 2003. " When you learn a word, whatever, " coffee, " " love, " " mother, " there is always one first time. There is one first time to learn a thing. The first time that includes/understands the meaning, its brain creates a stamp, a mental image of the meaning of that word, creates a mental connection that will continue using all their life Then each word has a mental way. I call a code, an unconscious code in his mente". " He is absolutely crucial for any person who works in communication or journalist, TV, means or marketing if it wants to attract the attention of people, must understand what I denominate the key button of the reptile (the button reptilian hot). If he does not have that button, then he will have to see them with cortex and to work with attributes like the price and things of the sort ".

A stands out, that level of the lmbico brain we acted and we reacted according to our earlier experiences. These learned landlords are based on our experiences, positive as as much negative. The emotions are key to learn. The more hard it is the emotion, the more clearly is learned. The cultural codes pay attention during the first childhood and are very difficult to change. Reference in the writing becomes, that for example, Procter & Gamble asked to him that it discovered the North American cultural archetype for the coffee. Rapaille discovered that the North Americans did not identify themselves with the taste of the coffee, in fact cover with sugar and cream. The early experiences of the North Americans with the coffee are related to the aroma of the coffee that their parents drank in the kitchen while they followed windbreaks in the bed.

Domestic Economy

To be but precise, it continues it taking. And in our human, enthusiastic and by all means fallible opinion, it seems to us that those expectations, could take to great frustrations in the future immediate, as they are already doing it in our present. It has already been verified as the socialist utopia of the total industrial use finished. The group of the Seven (G.7), in his last meeting had like main point of his agenda unemployment. That is to say, that in the present and at least in the medium term, the market economy does not assure the total industrial use either. On this assumption it is that we understand that the implantation of the market economy, whose supposed we share, must be complemented inescapably, with alternative modalities, like that one of the Domestic Economy, today much more viable that long ago, by the exponential development of science and the technology, and by mainly by the qualification levels which the granted educative system to the present Argentine generations, which puts in capacity and aptitude to apply the fruits of the technological scientific development.

And here, emphasis has to become in the concept of " Apropiada&quot technology;. Since all technology is not applicable to the Domestic Economy. An suitable diffusion of appropriate technologies for the Domestic Economy, has as reference frame a model of society signed by the creativity, the decentralization and the creativity. DOMESTIC ECONOMY, SOCIAL PREVENTION APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT By Alfredo Lawyer Arming Aguirre IIda. and It completes part In order to make viable so